Here's what to do when you go for a trim


New Member
Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim


I have been so dishearted reading about some of the terrible SHS experiences. I will not shy away from a trim if I need it, but too much is too much. I first posted this in early '03, but I thought it was worth posting again.

If I could add to it I would say it is a good idea to bring someone you trust with you to have an extra set of eyes. Also, although it will sound sexist, you may want to consider going to a male stylish for a trim, since based on my own experience, and many others, it may prove safer. This is not always the case, since the last stylist I went to for a trim was female and everything was fine, and you might still get chopped by a guy.

As always ladies, you must use your best judgement, leave nothing to chance, and be completely on guard. Take care.


I went for a trim a month ago with great results.

I decided to be as proactive as possible, and I think that made the difference. Here is what I did and I advise anyone to do:

1. Take a carpenter's retractable tape measure with you (the kind where the tape is made of thin metal, and locks in place)

2. Make sure they cut it dry, and naturals should thermally straighten the hair if you want it even. I pressed and flatironed it myself.

4. If you want it cut from the very bottom only as I did, specifically say this. (I also told him I wanted it combed straight back before he trimmed it, so it would be very even.) If you want it trimmed throughout, explain this too.

3. Roll out as many inches on the tape measure that you want cut off, and lock it into place. Show it to your hairdresser. One reason hairdressers take off too much is that they guesstimate. What they cut, and what they think they cut can be very different.

4.Tell them they need to hold the tape measure up against the hair as they cut. When they make the first cut, have them show you the hair they have cut, and measure the cut hair (trimmings in their hand) with the tape measure. If you want to, have them do this for each cut they make.

5. Make sure you can see exactly what they are doing. Do not let them turn you away from the mirror. Ask them to trim slowly so you can see.

If your hairdresser doesn't like any of this, then find a new hairdresser. This is YOUR hair, and YOU know what YOU want. Do not be afraid to stop them at any point, or walk out if you have to.

I was nervous because this was my first appointment with this guy, and the first time I had been to a hairdresser in a long time (trust issues ) He was totally comfortable with all of this, and it took 10-15 mins tops for the trim (I needed 2 inches off) and another 5 for a quick curl. HTH
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

I agree...male stylists are by far safer
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim


The male stylish in the original email, and the female stylist I last went to are in shops not far away from each other in Bridgeport. There are a bunch in that town. I can't even remember the name of the shops.

I did the same thing at a shop where I live in Southington- found one and walked in. I had no referrals, so we just rode around until we found one that seemed fairly legitimate. Proof positive that you don't have to know the stylist well to get what you want in a trim, you just have to know what to say to them.
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

Thanks for the info, it sort of funny, but at least you won't leave whining about they cut too much. I'm trying to find another stylist bust she isn't going to be able to cut my hair at all. I have some serious trust issues.
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

I really only think you need one thing to make sure someone doesn't cut your hair too short - the look of death. You know the one that says that you are slightly crazy (especially about your hair) and you are willing to put a beat down on someone for messing it up. My stylist and I have discussed my willingness to do time if I have to and it seems to have worked well.
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

lol @ calbear....did u have a tick and a lazy eye too?
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

calbear, just looked at your pics and like your hair, Im pretty sure thats what my hair will look like when and if it gets that long. You hair reminds me of mine bc its not very thick but not thin. Seeing hair like mine that is that long is an inspiration and makes me more willing to stand my ground and not let stylists talk me into hacking half of it off so it will grow out thicker, Im pretty sure this is just the way it is. Im sure it COULD be healthier but once I get to at least armpit length I may be willing to let go of a little bit. but for now, only little trims.

Also, thanks for posting pics of combouts, now I see that the amount I lose is pretty normal. Ive been paranoid Im going
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

Thanx - I have had some bad experiences with stylists in my quest to grow my hair out. I am truly evil now and I know that sounds horrible but you have to be. I had a stylist burn a hole in my head and not say one word. I changed stylists and the next one had to point the hole out. All I could do was cry. Now my new stylist is better - although I have a habit of tilting my head making some of my trims not so even. He does know better than to trim too much though. I have threatned his life. (I'm not that big but neither is he so the fight would be even ;-)

I started keeping track of the hair loss cause I thought I was losing a grip of hair whenever I washed but I realized that I wasn't losing any hair during the week. Cause I was doing the bradouts, the hair that was shedding and breaking was staying in the hair and all coming out when I washed. Realistically I lose alot of hair ALL the time - when my hair is straight it's just all on the floor and not in the shower.

Also I used to be really concerned about the thickness but my hair has always been this way. All the stuff I've learned here has helped to thicken it up along with the growth i.e. vitamins, no heat etc. Airdrying has really worked for me so the thin look only happens for me when it is permed. (Iam 8 weeks post relaxer and sometimes I look like the thing in NAY's avatar - I LUV IT ;-)
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

dreemssold said:
I agree...male stylists are by far safer

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know
I had one that chopped me pretty good one time.
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

Supergirl said:
dreemssold said:
I agree...male stylists are by far safer

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know
I had one that chopped me pretty good one time.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I had one that was a little SH, but he was using so much heat that I probably needed it. And another that burned out a chunk of my hair. I think he was jealous! But then I learned he was crackhead... for real.
I have the worst luck w/stylists which is why I bought a pair of sheers.
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

calbear said:
I really only think you need one thing to make sure someone doesn't cut your hair too short - the look of death. You know the one that says that you are slightly crazy (especially about your hair) and you are willing to put a beat down on someone for messing it up. My stylist and I have discussed my willingness to do time if I have to and it seems to have worked well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty much
Re: Here\'s what to do when you go for a trim

I really only think you need one thing to make sure someone doesn't cut your hair too short - the look of death. You know the one that says that you are slightly crazy (especially about your hair) and you are willing to put a beat down on someone for messing it up. My stylist and I have discussed my willingness to do time if I have to and it seems to have worked well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen on the crazed look in your eye, seriously, although I use that in combination with everything else.

Yes, I am terribly obsessive and very particular about my hair, especially in the hands of someone else.

A couple of other tips:

Try to go in for a trim when it is a slow day in the shop. This way, there are fewer distractions, and the stylist will usually take more time with you, since they probably don't have anyone else afterwards. Less rush equals more hair.

Keep conversation to a minimum. This in combination with the crazed look will set the appropriate tone-you mean business and you want all focus on exactly the trim you want. It is also less distracting.

Call ahead if you are not comfortable with giving a list of instructions when you first meet the person, and want to know if they are OK with this before you show up-just keep the list in hand and go over it again when you go in for your trim.

After I gave my ground rules, they were so cautious to cut that they all cut too little the first go round, and I asked them to cut more. With the ruler in hand, they preferred to cut a little under the mark, just in case I flipped out.

Follow these rules, and you will not only greatly minimize the risk of losing precious inches, but also lessen your risk of having to do jail time