Here's to loving your hair...


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I created a post a while back regarding how full my hair had gotten post-partum...well; I still love my hair! Most of all, I am in love with how free I am with it. When I first joined the forum, I was SERIOUS about wearing my buns. I wore a bun about 90% (or more) of the time. I did get great retention, however over time; I realized that for ME, it wasn't necessary to wear a bun fulltime to have great hair. A little over a year ago, I even started blow-drying and flat ironing every two damage! I made certain to deep condition routinely, use heat protectant, and not place scalding hot dryers and irons in my head though....I used good common sense and did things in acceptable moderation. Then along the way, something happened. I think once I became pregnant, the idea of flat ironing and such just made me tired thinking about it, I started wearing washngo's and twist outs more often....then all the time. Guess what? No damage! I did get the occasional single strand knot, but honestly nothing that would make me decide not to wear my style of choice.

All that being said, I just wanted to say that I feel so free! I straighten when I feel like, bun when I feel like, washngo when I feel like....I think this is what loving my hair is all about. I really love it! I can do so much with Ladies....Here's to loving YOUR hair!


Flatiron and Steam roller:

Frenchbraids just hanging out:
Girl, that's an awesome post! And your hair looks great in all three pics.

I'm loving my hair too ~ mainly in the shower these days tho :grin:
Thanks Ladies!

I think we get so wrapped up in the "when my hair gets to (this point) I'll wear it down and do all these fabulous things"....I want to be fabulous today right now! :grin::grin: And there is really no reason I cannot be fabulous right now. Fabulosity rules! hahaha
Your hair looks amazing. And you are so right. sometimes we just need to live and enjoy the gorgeous locks on our head!
Congratulations for coming to that realization!

I started wearing my hair too. Heck, I condition, moisturize, use heat protectants, etc, why not wear my hair? LOL
Your hair is amazing :worship2: so I give you much Kudos. I just was in a discussion like this the other day and ITA, we should enjoy our hair as we make it healthy. So many ladies are so bent on being a "goal length" that no one really sees their hair as it progresses and they don't even get to enjoy it lol. I think we all should. So many other cultures don't have to "hide" their hair everyday to grow it, they enjoy their locks. So should we :drunk:
Your hair is amazing :worship2: so I give you much Kudos. I just was in a discussion like this the other day and ITA, we should enjoy our hair as we make it healthy. So many ladies are so bent on being a "goal length" that no one really sees their hair as it progresses and they don't even get to enjoy it lol. I think we all should. So many other cultures don't have to "hide" their hair everyday to grow it, they enjoy their locks. So should we :drunk:

Exactly! I stopped chasing a certain length awhile ago. I have been midback length and evey variation in between. For me, I really enjoy a full head of loose curls that are really doesn't matter if it's APL, Brastrap, or long as it's healthy and flows nicely. This attitude allows me to grow long hair without the worry...
Your hair is absolutely beautiful. It looks thick and healthy. You SHOULD be proud to wear it out!! :yep:
Your hair is really pretty. I agree with you, I think that I was overdoing it with the PS. Sometimes my hair just likes to breathe.
OP, you and your hair are so pretty! :) I love your attitude about styling! Keep growing! :) I especially love the french braid - that is my style of choice!