Here Is my way of saving $$$$$$$$$ on prducts


New Member
hello ladies last week I made a post about my eggs treatment that made my hair strong and soft at the same time . well I want you all to know that since my product stash has gotten out of control ..I mean to the point where my hubby is complaning :drunk: so for a while now I have been using up all my products while introducing new simple ones that are less $ for example.

  1. egg teatment (mixed with mane and tale conditioner and EVOO).. this replaced my hardcore protein
  2. coconut oil .. this is so much cheaper that jojoba oil .. so I now use coconut oil for hot oil treat. (feels sooooo good)
  3. NTM silk touch leave in have replaced my salerm 21
  4. DC with NTM or CON nourishing with EVOO which will replace my alter ego.
  5. Moister I will continue to use the BB castor oil moisterizer because my entire family use it so I have to buy it anyway.. and seal with coconut oil.
  6. Self relax with ORS regular then go to salon for a $ 20 rollerset ( I can't rollerset the way I want it to save my life.
  7. co-wash VO5 conditioners these are very cheap
  8. clarify with sauve.
  9. shampoo with CON detangling poo

I have just fallen in love with my hair all over again and love the way it feels now . I think when I first started my hair journey I wanted longer hair so bad that the money did not matter and yess my hair grew .. but now when I go into a store I read and compare ingredients and realize that most of them are very similar if not the same and that I can tweak them. I have not purchased a new product in a while :yep: but guess what I never run out of eggs and EVOO .

Thanks LHCF
thanx. this is a good way to save money.
i have also started using things up and i noticed that alot of stuff that i thought didnt work, my hair actually likes it.
also at church on Sunday a lady asked me what did I do to my hair for it to looked so healthy and full. she asked me if I trained it like that . I was like LOL then I told her what I was doing and that the only heat I use is a hair dryer for DC and on and off love affair with blowdryer when I am in a rush /.
hello ladies last week I made a post about my eggs treatment that made my hair strong and soft at the same time . well I want you all to know that since my product stash has gotten out of control ..I mean to the point where my hubby is complaning :drunk: so for a while now I have been using up all my products while introducing new simple ones that are less $ for example.

  1. egg teatment (mixed with mane and tale conditioner and EVOO).. this replaced my hardcore protein
  2. coconut oil .. this is so much cheaper that jojoba oil .. so I now use coconut oil for hot oil treat. (feels sooooo good)
  3. NTM silk touch leave in have replaced my salerm 21
  4. DC with NTM or CON nourishing with EVOO which will replace my alter ego.
  5. Moister I will continue to use the BB castor oil moisterizer because my entire family use it so I have to buy it anyway.. and seal with coconut oil.
  6. Self relax with ORS regular then go to salon for a $ 20 rollerset ( I can't rollerset the way I want it to save my life.
  7. co-wash VO5 conditioners these are very cheap
  8. clarify with sauve.
  9. shampoo with CON detangling poo

I have just fallen in love with my hair all over again and love the way it feels now . I think when I first started my hair journey I wanted longer hair so bad that the money did not matter and yess my hair grew .. but now when I go into a store I read and compare ingredients and realize that most of them are very similar if not the same and that I can tweak them. I have not purchased a new product in a while :yep: but guess what I never run out of eggs and EVOO .

Thanks LHCF

#4 is my favorite:yep:- I definitely was not that impressed with the Alter Ego that I would buy it again.
^^ Well I love it but not enough to spend $40.00 a pop LOL, OBTW SS your hair looks very nice in you avi
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Don' forget about honey - great for moisturizing DC
Salt/Epson Salt/Sea Salt - also great for moisturizing DC (add a pinch for the "Kiya Fizzle")
Lemon Juice (from lemons) - add to shampoo to get rid of dandruff/build-up
Baking Soda - added to conditioner, can help "relax" your texture so great for stretching, and pre-straightening. Added to shampoo can clarify your strands.

and coconut oil + olive oil mixed increases the effectiveness of both of them. :yep:

And add reg sugar with a palmful of fresh lemon juice for a exfoliating skin brightening mask!
I love your tips....I havent bought anything new in a while either.

Im heavy handed too so I started mixing my shampoo with water in my application bottle so I wont use too much. So far I have been good with using 1/2oz to 3.5oz of water
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Great tips....yep these days I i mix kitchen items as well to make my hair concoctions. Eggs, Olive oil, honey, yoghurt, coconut milk....
Don' forget about honey - great for moisturizing DC
Salt/Epson Salt/Sea Salt - also great for moisturizing DC (add a pinch for the "Kiya Fizzle")
Lemon Juice (from lemons) - add to shampoo to get rid of dandruff/build-up
Baking Soda - added to conditioner, can help "relax" your texture so great for stretching, and pre-straightening. Added to shampoo can clarify your strands.

and coconut oil + olive oil mixed increases the effectiveness of both of them. :yep:

And add reg sugar with a palmful of fresh lemon juice for a exfoliating skin brightening mask!
I love the baking soda tip will use for sure.
I love cheap stuff!

My new favorite find is the Whole Foods 365 Brand conditioner. 4$ for 32oz and it's great and has multiple uses.

Anyway, I also agree with your #2, coconut oil. It's great when used as a conditioner or hot oil treatment. And it's really beneficial for the hair.
Nearly half of my regi comes from the kitchen. And the dollar store. I've got micro fibre turbans, plastic caps and saran wrap, clips, rollers, a bowl to mix my stuff in, and I'm sure more that I am forgetting over there. I have to say I'm glad I'm going through this transition while I'm pretty broke- cause my first inclination was to go out and buy the high priced stuff. Now I know I don't have to spend a lot.

PS, I have an interview Monday- wish me luck!