Herbal tame relaxer??????

Yes, and it damn near broke my hair off in the back of my head. I thought it was good but I guess once when I was using it-I mixed it wrong or something..and my hair broke off on one side in the back. It grew back in no time though.
No, I wasn't relaxing at the time. I was trying to grow out my relaxer which was the reason why I was using the Herbal Tame, since Gold Medal stated you can use it for that purpose. I think the directions said you were supposed to mix it with a conditioner...so I guess I used the wrong conditioner one day.
I would like to try it for conditioning. I currently wear a relaxer and do you think if you would have added a conditioner to it, it would have turned out okay??? I am considering purchasing it but unsure????
I think others on here have used this before but I'm not sure. From what I understand, its almost the same as Natural Henna...and I know alot of relaxed hair women have used this. The Henna is mixed with different ingredients...some people use a variation-so I guess it depends on the person. I would do a search on Henna. When I had the actual Herbal Tame it stated to use and mix with another conditioner that Gold Medal also sold. I can't really say if it wouldn't work for you or not because what works for one may not work for the other and vice versa.
You're welcome. Do you want me to bump the Henna threads up for you?