I didn't say it was washing off i said it was wearing off and u can do your own research for sources if you need an explanation to anything. Not just my post.

I think it's one thing to say "I heard somewhere...what do you think?" But to copy and paste and not put the source, and then respond with this when asked. I just don't think it's good thread etiquette. Especially such an extreme warning.

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Since I started using HE Hello Hydration conditioner for my co-washes, my shedding has decreased significantly. I don't know if I can attribute it to HE HH or to incorporating co-washing. Either way, I'm not giving it up.
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Does this mean that shampoo bars are damaging to hair?

No, shampoo bars that are made the cold process method aren't damaging to hair. The pH is higher in those bars is about 8 and most shampoo is about 6. Some people think that they leave behind a "residue", but that is just from "superfatting" and excess oils being left on the strand. Some people have a tangly feeling after using them, some do not. It just depends on the recipe used.
I love Herbal Essence Hello Hydration. Guess I'll invest in some PH testing sticks and find out for myself...
If you come with info/claims its only polite to post a link. Afterall, we want to see what horse's mouth it is coming from ourselves. That's what educated consumers like to do.

Those people probably just didn't like silicones for their hair and suffered the consequences. HH is actually quite a good product for its price point.

I would break down the ingredients list item by item but you get our point.
I think it's one thing to say "I heard somewhere...what do you think?" But to copy and paste and not put the source, and then respond with this when asked. I just don't think it's good thread etiquette. Especially such an extreme warning.

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^^^Cosigning and I see some back tracking going on. The Orignial Post looks like this is your own words...it became weird when u starting agreeing with all the naysayers. I'm just sayin...
I been using Sauve Naturals ever since my big chop just fine. Now I'm on the curly girl method, so it's just my opinion that sulphate shampoos aren't the best for my hair anyway. And the same goes for conditioners with silicone .
I think the people that complained of the product disguising damage were probably using the conditioners that contain cones. Garnier and Suave both have conditioners in their line that are cone-free (that my hair loves!). Cones in hair products can be misleading.
Well I'm not concerned about it because I don't use any of their shampoos. I use 2-n-1 baby shampoo and conditioner as shampoo. When I need to clear up build up I use Ion clarifying shampoo. I use LTR regular cond. as a leave in and it's done nothing but retain all of my length so....And when I clarify, my hair doesn't feel brittle or damaged at all. I regularly use roux moisture control and PC so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Haven't read whole thread so Idk if you updated with a source but I'm not concerned about it if I don't even know who said it and it works for me. No damage in two years.
If you come with info/claims its only polite to post a link. Afterall, we want to see what horse's mouth it is coming from ourselves. That's what educated consumers like to do.

Those people probably just didn't like silicones for their hair and suffered the consequences. HH is actually quite a good product for its price point.

I would break down the ingredients list item by item but you get our point.

You know what u probably are right. I thought maybe yall would know about this but i guess the person who post it after all wasnt a silicone fan. Thank you
I'm waiting for the spiel in the lye in conditioners relaxing your natural hair.

If it aint broke don't fix it. I have a BURNCH of HE and suave and garnier up in my bathroom and it hasn't steered me wrong yet.

Oh yeah btw my hair is nearly to my tailbone? I must be doing something right cause when I used the garnier all last winter my hair was on point.
I'm waiting for the spiel in the lye in conditioners relaxing your natural hair.

If it aint broke don't fix it. I have a BURNCH of HE and suave and garnier up in my bathroom and it hasn't steered me wrong yet.

Oh yeah btw my hair is nearly to my tailbone? I must be doing something right cause when I used the garnier all last winter my hair was on point.

yeppp agreed.
girl don't let what a bunch of other folks tell you deter you. some CANT use the stuff with silicones while other have hair that thrives with it.
What works for some doesn't work for others, that is the same for every product out there. I sometimes use the herbal essence the orange and blue range with no problems.
*slappin' on some Hello Hydration as I read this* Hmph ain't no way I'm throwing away this hair deliciousness.