Her hair is gorgeous!

Pretty hair!

I'm pretty sure I came across her vids a long time ago and she had some with her mum. You guys are too cute!
I love Stella's hair too! Girl i'm following your blog as well!!!

I always see her siggy pics and i thought she was still natural!....but beautiful hair and person regardless.:yep:
Wow (@stelladata), your progress is amazing. How many months post relaxer were you when you BC'd? Your hair grew so fast!

I BC'd at least 5-6 months post relaxer, but I cut twice the first time the shape came out so weird because I insisted that the barber used scissors because I read somewhere on these forums that you shouldn't let them use clippers :look: ... the shape was horrendous so, I went to another salon, the guy used clippers and my hair had to be at least an inch long on the sides and two inches up top.
Stella, I thought it interesting that you only relax once a year. I also saw that you flat iron twice a month. Do you consider yourself to be someone who heat trains? I ask because your hair is so thick and long and I thought you must get tangles. Also I read that you relax so that your hair can grow longe. Is it because it tangles?

Morphing...slowly... into a stalker.

lmao at that last line, girl i got mase!! :lachen::lachen:

I don't remember saying i relax my hair so it can grow long :blush: if I ever did that's misinformation!!! and i apologize!! what i probably meant is ;I prefer it relaxed because you can see the length since when natural I had major shrinkage, at least 5 inches ( something like that). But there is no way relaxing can make anyone's hair grow long especially since I read somewhere here that it strips your hair of proteins and other essentials.

I am not sure what heat training means, but I found it logical to straighten twice a month ( If I am not lazy.. I can go a whole month with a bun) because then I deep condition 4 times a month, based on the idea that if there are 4 weeks in a month then I can keep my hair straight every other week and condition every weekend ... I am not sure if that makes sense, i hope it does..:spinning:

When I'm getting new growth my hair tangles, esp at the 4-5 month mark, which is why I dc and detangle with every wash with my trusted denman brush-or wide tooth comb. I think anyone who has curly hair experiences tangles at some point, it's something I cannot escape from so I just tackle it accordingly. Relaxing hair doesnt get rid of tangles and I hope nobody would ever use it as a detangling agent.. I might actually shed a tear.
Thanks for sharing CelinaStarr.
StellaData, your hair is gorg. I agree with being able to see length better when relaxed. My curl pattern is similar and it shrinks so much I feel like I have short hair. When I straighten, people are always shocked at how much length I have. I haven't straightened since Christmastime and saw some progress. I'd love to straighten more often but I'm scared of the heat. That said, I hope to be extra shocked at my next length check and you are my inspiration!
Thanks for sharing CelinaStarr.
StellaData, your hair is gorg. I agree with being able to see length better when relaxed. My curl pattern is similar and it shrinks so much I feel like I have short hair. When I straighten, people are always shocked at how much length I have. I haven't straightened since Christmastime and saw some progress. I'd love to straighten more often but I'm scared of the heat. That said, I hope to be extra shocked at my next length check and you are my inspiration!

Yea, I definitely agree, we are close to the same hair type! And I can relate to hair shrinkage, I used direct heat ( with a flat iron) at least once or twice and that was after months of not using heat...(while natural)... and yes I was petrified of heat, cones, petroleum jelly, bristle brushes, people touching or ruining my curls... to say I treated my hair like spirals dipped in liquid gold is an understatement! LMAO!!
But honestly, I think the longer your hair gets the more the curls get weighed down and I am sure at some point you'll see some satisfactory length!.. beautiful hair btw :)
:blush: Thanks everyone!!!!
I subscribed this year but before that I browsed forums a lot, that was mostly around the time I was trying to grow my hair out after my bc..I tried a lot of things!!..and a lot of the advice, I've gotten on these forums are priceless and have helped me along the way. I think if I'd never come across them I wouldn't have a clue about what to do with my hair. So thank you to you all, and keep the great advice coming!! >.<

thanks celinastarr i'm honored:spinning:
You have gorgeous hair!
I BC'd at least 5-6 months post relaxer, but I cut twice the first time the shape came out so weird because I insisted that the barber used scissors because I read somewhere on these forums that you shouldn't let them use clippers :look: ... the shape was horrendous so, I went to another salon, the guy used clippers and my hair had to be at least an inch long on the sides and two inches up top.

That is truly inspiring.
EXACTLY!! In 2 years her hair was beyond BSL:yawn:. Some girls have all the luck, truly.

Stella, your hair is breathtakingly beautiful. Also, I like your vibes on youtube.

Wow I just watched the video on her blog. I can't believe she BC'd in January 2007 and 3 years later her hair is hitting her butt. INSANE!! Her hair is beautiful straight or curly.