Henrilou, I see you, soo happy you came. (big grin


New Member
I have so missed talking to you via posts. Please give an update. By the way, I love your hair!!!!!!!(I remember your picture...)I have really had to struggle, and appreciate every bit the effort it takes. How long is your hair now???Are you going for classic? Please post back or email me at [email protected]
Mahalialee, it sure it nice to see your name. Now I know I am home. Well there isn't much to report. I am still on vits, after a 3 month break (no money) and I am now convinced that they do make a difference. My hair is still healthy (but it's 'hit' today, boy do I need a wash/press and my stylist is booked-up) I broke off right at the nape of my neck. I finally figured it's because of the way I tied my "do-rag" and it caused alot of rubbing. So I am working on that and trying really hard to down way past the 'strap. But that only counts if it's HEALTHY. So here I am. Thanks for the big welcome. I am glad you're here too.
Hey Henrilou,
It's great to see you again. I remember talking to you on Hope's site...how is your hair? I hope it's not still breaking at the nape. It's good to have you back though, you had/have a wealth of info to share. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Henrilou,
Could you post your regimen again please? I should have printed it from LHL way back in April but....
And are you going to post a pic again? I know you got a lot of negativity the last time but the ladies here are so nice. Noone here will be that mean (and if need be I will deal with them /images/graemlins/cool.gif) Your pic was an inspiration for a fellow natural. Thanks /images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Faith aka Swttng
FAITH where how did you grow that hair girl. It looked healthy thick and LONG. Congratulations!

My routin is simple:

Wash/press once/month. Under the dryer 20min. with a deep conditioner.

Wrap EVERYnight. Everyday I lightly oil the ends with a shea-butter based oil (No more mineral oil, I can tell the diff with the dryness my hair used to have)

Protective styles during the day. But nothing that pulls on any part of my hair.

Vitamins: multi, biotim (1200), MSM(1000), UtraNourishair.
I rarely brush I use my fingers to style in the morning And I got it pressed on Monday, and it's just past b/s lenth. I'll try and post a pic this weekend.