Hennalucent (color) users...


Well-Known Member
What shampoo do you use? I have had two shampoos now take out some of my lovely, wonderful Gleaming Ebony color that I get from the Hennalucent. I was washing my hair just now. I diluted some of the Clairol Renewal 5x and started to wash my hair, working at the roots and squeezing the suds downward thru the length. I noticed the water was bluish so I rinsed immediately and (hopefully) didn't get much shampoo on more than that one section of hair. I have some S&S in my hair as I type this.
Doing the hennalucent treatments is too involved to have all my work undone the second shampoo hits my hair.
It suggests using a mild shampoo. However, I'm sure it's still going to rinse out kind of quick (since it indicates you can re-do every 4 to 6 weeks). I wash my hair a lot, but it's still in my hair (applied it on April 26).
The first few washes after I put the Hennalucent in, I was using just conditioner...no blue water. It's when I reached for the shampoo that I had the problem. Currently I wash with shampoo 1x a week and conditioner 2x. I have a few other shampoos (Con, Elasta, and Rysell coconut). I guess I will try one of those, hopefully they will be more gentle. If not, I guess I will just condition wash more often and only use shampoo 1x a month.