Henna'ing While IN Twists- Has anyone done this?


Well-Known Member
I twisted up my hair and to my surprise they're holding up, I kind of wanted to henna my hair this weekend, but I wanted to leave the twists in for another week. I have the feeling I know the answer to this, but I figured if you can deep condition while your hair is in twists, maybe you could henna? HAs anyone done this with success?
I don't henna, but I would think it's not such a good idea.

BUT this is coming from someone who won't DC in twists either, so maybe I'm just biased.
If you were untwisting right after to do a good cowash.. I don't see the problem. But since you plan on keeping those twists .. idk about that one. It sounds like a bad idea
It's fine. I henna'd (and dc'd) in locs for yrs - so same basic idea. Rinse very well and even then there will still be a little remaining henna powder and that will fall out of your hair in the next day or two. When I took down my locs there was no henna residue at all - this after years of using henna monthly. So it is completely doable.
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Hmmmmm, the general consensus seems to be not to do it. Tiye, I get what you're saying but I'm a little worried because obviously locs aren't meant to be taken down so quickly so who knows what the immediate effect of you henna'ing your loce'd hair would be in terms of tangling, etc. I'm assuming you lost a bunch of hair when you undid your locs and I'm guessing you wouldn't know how much of that was due to henna? Not saying it didn't work for you, just concerned that the two aren't comparable.
Ive hennaed with just my natural hair in twists (no extensions) numerous times it came out quite fine in terms of washing out and conditioning my hair...HOWEVER...if you want to keep those twists in for another week i wouldn't recommend it because it will be frizz city...all the washing out of the henna with conditioner causes alot of friction and your hair WILL frizz up...only frizz though ive yet to lose any hair due to single strand knots or tangling during the procress of take down or the twists...
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When I used henna I did it on my loose hair and it was something else rinsing it all out.....and yes, I used conditioner to help. I was in there forever and even when I thought I finished I had red dye on everything my hair touched for the next couple of washes. And I had little flecks that wouldn't wash out either.

Personally, I wouldn't be able to think about doing henna on my twisted hair.