Hennaed over weekend for first time


Well-Known Member
First let me apologize for not having any pics but I could use some help. After much research I mixed Yemen henna with ginger root for smell and hot water. I placed a corner piece of paper towel in the bowl and let it sit over night. It looked like doggy diarrhea and I was kinda grossed out by it but bit the bullet and slopped it in my hair.
“Applying” it just wouldn’t work. I left it on for 5 hours and then I rinsed and rinsed and rinsed and rinsed, you get the idea. Then I conditioned about 6 times. When I came out the shower I noticed lil orange tinged water droplets still falling so I hopped back in the shower. I added SAA to my condish, put that on my hair and let that sit for about an hour and it all came out and I had soft hair.

Anyway, the color is a darker red than I wanted. I think it's too dark for my complexion. My natural color is medium to dark brown with golden brown lowlights. How soon can I henna again and is there a way to lighten the color a bit? The color is pretty and has a lot of shine but I think it’s too dark for me. Or maybe I need to get used to it. Any advice? Thanks

The link gives you an idea of the color my hair is now, except I don’t have many highlights and it’s a shade or so darker. http://www.hennaforhair.com/mixes/esther/

I didn’t add anything acidic because I just wanted to see how my hair reacted to henna and I heard about it releasing color any way. The paper towel I put in was red, so I’m thinking the color did release. Would it have been lighter if I added something acidic?
Henna colors over your natural color, so it won't get any lighter than what you are starting with, and the more you henna, the darker the color gets. :ohwell: I don't think the acidity would have made it lighter, either...
Sooo.... you might have to get used to it. :yep:
Some people have had success with using honey to lighten henna, as well as different mixes, such as 1/2 henna & 1/2 cassia to go a more 'coppery' color.

Hehe. Next time you henna (if you do it again) add some conditioner to the henna before you put it on - it'll make it MUCH easier to rinse out. :yep:
Thanks, I'll try both tips - the conditioner and cassia. I love the color - but on me I think its too dark. Maybe it's cuz I'm not used to it, but I will be hennaing from now on. My hair feels great and full, as it should. Using henna is a messy process.