Hennaed my hair over the weekend and....


Well-Known Member
I will be doing this treatment always! This is my second treatment, the first being in December of last year. I stopped doing them because my hairdresser told me how it makes the hair dry and I listened to her. Well I was desperately wanting to color the few strands of gray hair that I have and I was going to buy hennualucent but I remembered I had left over henna that I purchased from Catherine at hennaforhair.com. so I decided to do it and I am so glad I did. I left it on for 3 hours and it covered the few gray strands and my hair is so much stronger, I noticed that after rinsing it out, my hair did not tangle as much, and it felt so good and conditioned. I also heard that henna will make your split ends disappear. I just recently got a trim and my ends appear to be bonded together like a thick strong conditioned cord. I am happy with the results. I want the deep auburn color which is why I want to give myself another one so soon. One strange thing I also noticed is my bun appears to have gotten bigger. I use a bun donut and I spread my hair over it and tuck in my ends. I can't figure it out, all I know is, I will continue to do henna treatments regularly because it is so beneficial for the hair. I probably will do another one the first weekend in August and sit under the dryer for about 1 hour, but the night before I will put some coconut oil as a pre-conditioner which I also hear is great before you do your henna treatments. Just wanted to share.
Yay!! Another henna convert. I love henna. It's messy but the results far out weigh the process.
alexstin said:
I would love to do henna but I'm scared.:(

You should be. People constantly underestimate how dangerous compound henna (the kind sold in stores) can be when used with other chemical processes. But body art quality can be used with synthetic dye or relaxers (I'm proof of both).
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