Henna ?


Well-Known Member
I work with an Indian woman and asked her about henna, she told me there are 2 kinds of henna sold in India, regular Henna and BLack Henna. I told her i was using it to color my hair and how much of it I was using. She said she would bring me some to see how i like it and next time she goes to India she would bring me some. She also said I was using to much. The little packets she brought me were probably 2 x 1 1/2 inches, probably not even an ounce of henna in packet. Has anyone else heard of any of this?
The black henna she was talking about is commonly referred to as Indigo. The packets she gave you sounds familiar to the packet sizes I use to pick up at the Indian grocery store. I stopped using the grocery store kind cause there was little bits of sticks, sand and other debri in the henna.

I find henna to be an interesting compound. I can use a little and mix in lots of conditioner and still get the same results as I would if I dumped nearly the entire packet in the bowl and mixed it up and applied to my hair.
The black henna she was talking about is commonly referred to as Indigo. The packets she gave you sounds familiar to the packet sizes I use to pick up at the Indian grocery store. I stopped using the grocery store kind cause there was little bits of sticks, sand and other debri in the henna.

I find henna to be an interesting compound. I can use a little and mix in lots of conditioner and still get the same results as I would if I dumped nearly the entire packet in the bowl and mixed it up and applied to my hair.

I agree with you. Sounds like she's talking about indigo, but indigo does not condition the hair, it just colors it.
Yes, I think I know of this product, I've seen some of it sold on Ebay calling itself indigo and it's sold in a box w/ packets inside. I wouldn't bother w/ anything from India (the stuff I use is from Pakistan) because Indian products have a high likelihood of having stuff added to it.

My suspcions are greater because she said you're using "too much". The only way the what she's using is sufficient for her hair which I gather is quite long is that it contains some PPD dyes.

If you ONLY have to use 1 oz of so of the "henna" or "indigo" assume it has dye added to it or it's all dye. For the real thing, you need far more than this depending on length of hair, but 1 oz of real henna/indigo are body art measures, not hair. Hair requires much more.
"Black henna" has PPD in it... even if the box doesn't say so. It isn't the real deal. Stay away from it. Brands at the store that are good are "Mumtaz" and "Jamila" (I prefer jamila because it is from pakistan and is not old).
anky Unfortunately, sometimes indigo tinctoria is also labeled "black henna", but the real stuff. The Zarqua brand of products (from Pakistan) are pure henna and indigo and they label their indigo "black henna"...it's pure indigo (Catherine Cartwright-Jones has tested it herself). Zarqua is a brand to buy for indigo, if you are in the stores.

This is where it pays to know Latin names and places of origin.
Well thanks to everyone. I was going to try to use it but since it has ppd in it, I will not,. I have had 2 severe reactions to ppd.