Henna Shedding & Flakes?? Ugh...


New Member
Okay, so I put henna in my hair for the first time, like 3wks ago...and I love it! :grin: My highlights "pop" more and my hair looks really pretty in the sun! :spinning: It also feels a lot more stronger...expect with ALL the shedding....like clumps!!! God forbid I finger comb or lightly tug...STRANDS of hair just fall out!!! :cry3: And I honestly can't tell if it's the henna or just the freezing cold weather in SoCal. :perplexed

Also, "flakes" of henna show up everywhere...imagine if you put brown gel in your hair, then lay down....all the brown flakes....that's how my hair is now!! Except I don't use gel...I use glaze. I haven't flat-ironed my hair since I used henna...only airdrying and protective buns...but god forbid I have a white shirt on!!!! UGH. And the other day I was sitting on my friends off-white couch, put my head back for a second and saw alllll the flakes!!!! :blush: As soon as he left the room, I jumped up and started to "sweep" off the flakes frantically!! :hide: Oh and it seems like some of the "dye" comes out my hair too!!! :wallbash:

So can I do anything about the "flakes" and dye?? And is increased sheeding normal with Henna or is it the weather???
I'm no expert, but if you're sure the flakes are henna, then that means you didn't rinse all of it out. You shouldn't have any left in your hair. Or maybe the henna and other products you are using don't play well together. Making a list of everything you've used in your hair since the henna will help you figure out what went wrong.
Well to style my hair I use Glaze Gel. And when I wash my hair I actually use Shakahai Powder....or should I use a reg. poo then???
Are you sure that it's henna and not shikakai powder left in your hair. Also, if your conditioners are not moisturizing enough, I could see where having hennaed and using shikakai could cause shedding/breakage.
Hmmmm...well I'm pretty sure it's the Henna because I never had a problem with the flakes before that I'm aware of. :ohwell:

Should I just wash with baking soda to get rid of everything??? I know that Baking Soda clarifies, but I'm not sure exactly how to do it.
Hmmmm...well I'm pretty sure it's the Henna because I never had a problem with the flakes before that I'm aware of. :ohwell:

Should I just wash with baking soda to get rid of everything??? I know that Baking Soda clarifies, but I'm not sure exactly how to do it.

Someone here said to use VO5 *I think it was VWVixxen but dont quote me*. Thats what I used today, and it all came out. CVS has them on sale for 77cents. I went through over 1/2 a bottle before I had rinsed all of mine out. Maybe its the light creaminess that does it.
Someone here said to use VO5 *I think it was VWVixxen but dont quote me*. Thats what I used today, and it all came out. CVS has them on sale for 77cents. I went through over 1/2 a bottle before I had rinsed all of mine out. Maybe its the light creaminess that does it.

Oh okay! The poo or condish??