Henna Rinses?


New Member
Can I do a henna rinse and reap the same benefits as doing a henna paste? If so, will it turn my hair red?

ok my hair is feeling real thin right about now and because it so thin, although i probably only straighten once every couple of months, I get heat damage very easily. My ends start breaking within a couple of days of straightening. i do not want red hair!!! i just want stronger thicker hair. I also plan on highlighting in May so I definitely can't do a henna paste. i was wondering if I steep the powder in boiling water for like 15 minutes and rinsing will i be able to reap the other benefits of henna. I have cassia but i've read and have been told that henna is cumulative and cassia wears off within a couple of weeks. tis why i would like to try henna. tia.

ETA: Nevermind i'll just stick with the cassia
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