Henna Removal


New Member
I did a henna for the first time in about 3 years and ended up hating it. My hair felt so dry and coated and was jet black. My normal color is dark brown to sandy red (yeah, kinda ugly). But anyhoo, I hated this henna because my hair felt crazy and I had lost elasticity in my hair. Sareca, I luv ya!! She advised me to use Uncolor Semipermanent, by Clairol,. It's a little pricey at $12 for 8 ounces, but it did the job. I think I need another treatment to release more of the henna but already, my hair has regained a feather-light feel, soft, bouncy and most of the jet black color is removing. I can see redness just underneath. Most of all, elasticity was immediately improved...????? Very noticeable.

Uncolor also can be used to remove product buildup. I think that I might have had a product buildup before I appllied the henna and it just sealed it into the hair, making it heavy and dry. After the Uncolor treatment, I used a moisturizing non-protein conditioner and reapplied a tsp. of it as a leave-in. Being afraid that stripping off color might break my relaxed hair, I applied about a tsp. of shea butter, pulled back, twisted the whole ponytail into a bun and wrapped it and went to bed. Next morning, my hair is so moist and light, much less frizzy. It's just different which leads me to believe that I henna'ed at the wrong stage, when I didn't need it. I needed to remove product buildup. I won't be henna'ing again anytime soon and am switching to tex/laxing my hair but Uncolor will be part of my routine from now on, possibly once monthly. So, if you find your hair behaving badly and you buy conditioner after conditioner and still can't figure out what is wrong, it might be that you need to clarify. I'm a believer now.
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Girl, what kind of henna were you using that made your hair jetblack?!? Did you use Indigo as well, or some sort of boxed 'premixed' henna?

I'm glad that you figured it out, and are able to lift it from your hair, but normally, BAQ henna is red, and red only, and it's almost impossible to lift from hair - just to let it be known. :yep:

Girl, what kind of henna were you using that made your hair jetblack?!? Did you use Indigo as well, or some sort of boxed 'premixed' henna?

I'm glad that you figured it out, and are able to lift it from your hair, but normally, BAQ henna is red, and red only, and it's almost impossible to lift from hair - just to let it be known. :yep:

The Uncolor is taking it out and I was surprised actally. I know that henna goes away about 6 months later through repeated washings but I wasn't having any of that. I needed it gone right away:lachen:. It was washing down the drain reddish last night from a et black color. I didn't mix with indigo at all. You mix pure henna, amla and shikakai with water and place to cure in an iron pot for 24 hours. It turns jet black and so will your hair. Your greys are supposed to grow in in a few weeks to few months darker as well. I'm still waiting for that lol.
Ahhhh, it was the iron pot. :lol: Okay, I actually have heard of that, but I was so focused on red it was just a side note "Never use metal to mix henna!"

Most interesting!
Ahhhh, it was the iron pot. :lol: Okay, I actually have heard of that, but I was so focused on red it was just a side note "Never use metal to mix henna!"

Most interesting!

Yeah, some say that but in the Asia and Africa, they use the metal. It truly turns black because of the Amla. I was wondering about that myself until I read it on an Indian site and I was hoping I wouldn't end up bald! :blush:
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hey - I thought you were's suppose to let henna touch iron as well????????
hmm- uncolor huh? I wonder now, because my first and last experience with Henna I hated after all the reviews on this board. My hair felt so weird. In fact my hair went so backwards, I vowed to NEVER henna again. this is good info to know