Henna question


New Member
I know read through the threads, but I'm extra lazy. I caved and bought the henna from fnwl. I've decided that I don't want the color, but the conditioning benefits. What do you have to do so that you don't change your hair color? Are the benefits the same if it doesn't color your hair?


p.s i might use it to color down the road.
Do NOT use a terp, such as lemon juice, ACV, etc... b/c that causes the dye to release. Also, mix the water and henna and put it on your hair w/o letting it sit for a long period of time. A couple of months ago, I didn't use a terp in mine, but b/c it was so hot and I let it sit for about an hour while I was on the phone, some of the dye did release. The color of my hair didn't change much, though.

Happy Hennaing!
felicia said:
I know read through the threads, but I'm extra lazy. I caved and bought the henna from fnwl. I've decided that I don't want the color, but the conditioning benefits. What do you have to do so that you don't change your hair color? Are the benefits the same if it doesn't color your hair?


p.s i might use it to color down the road.
The benefits are the same even if you don't use it to color your hair. Henna will always deposit a little color, but technically you need to use a terp to get the color to "release." Your best bet is to mix your henna with cool water and use it immediately. Your body heat will cause a bit of color to release but not much. Make sure you strand test.

BTW, don't use oil in your mix just water. It's considered a terp and will cause the henna to release it's color.

There's more info here... http://journals.fotki.com/Serica/. It's a shorter read than the henna threads.
Mestiza said:
Do NOT use a terp, such as lemon juice, ACV, etc... b/c that causes the dye to release. Also, mix the water and henna and put it on your hair w/o letting it sit for a long period of time. A couple of months ago, I didn't use a terp in mine, but b/c it was so hot and I let it sit for about an hour while I was on the phone, some of the dye did release. The color of my hair didn't change much, though.

Happy Hennaing!

We must have been writing our responses at the same time. :lol:
sareca said:
We must have been writing our responses at the same time. :lol:
It looks that way. :lol:

BTW, I love your hair color. :love: I'm still waiting for the my Indigo to arrive at the store. I can't wait to use it! I have henna on my hair as I type. I'm about to go rinse, now. I'll see you over in the "Do Ya'll Henna" thread. I need to catch up on approx. 20 pages and post about the new mix that I tried. See you all over there when I'm done. :)
Ummm...I have to say something here just for a warning. I wrote this on the other thread but I'll say it again here. I used henna and hot water only (No terp or acid) and I got STRONG dye release in 45 minutes. I did tests strands, which I left in for approx 4 hours and it changed my hair color quite a bit. I used FNWL henna, too. So, please do test strands. You may be surprised at what you find. The trick might be to leave the henna in for a short period of time, or dilute it with conditioner. (Henna Gloss?) Better yet, use Cassia to be on the safe side if you definitely don't want color. Just offering my limited experience. :)
Cichelle said:
Ummm...I have to say something here just for a warning. I wrote this on the other thread but I'll say it again here. I used henna and hot water only (No terp or acid) and I got STRONG dye release in 45 minutes. I did tests strands, which I left in for approx 4 hours and it changed my hair color quite a bit. I used FNWL henna, too. So, please do test strands. You may be surprised at what you find. The trick might be to leave the henna in for a short period of time, or dilute it with conditioner. (Henna Gloss?) Better yet, use Cassia to be on the safe side if you definitely don't want color. Just offering my limited experience. :)
Good warning. I tested some henna with cold water and left it in the frig to release. It still released. :eek: Cassia or even amla powder DO NOT produce color changes.
sareca said:
Good warning. I tested some henna with cold water and left it in the frig to release. It still released. :eek: Cassia or even amla powder DO NOT produce color changes.

I am waiting on my Cassia to come in the mail, but my question is how long to I let it sit before I strant test and after the strand test how long do I leave it in my hair for no color?
Prince3 said:
I am waiting on my Cassia to come in the mail, but my question is how long to I let it sit before I strant test and after the strand test how long do I leave it in my hair for no color?

Cassia doesn't produce color no matter how long you leave it in your hair. You mix it up and put it on your harvested hair immediately. No need to wait. We wait for henna only when we want color.
sareca said:
Cassia doesn't produce color no matter how long you leave it in your hair. You mix it up and put it on your harvested hair immediately. No need to wait. We wait for henna only when we want color.

By adding water will it be to runny or do I need to add just enough water to make a paste?
Prince3 said:
By adding water will it be to runny or do I need to add just enough water to make a paste?

Pancake batter thickness. Too much water just makes a bigger mess.
So is Cassia BAQ henna by another name or is it something completely different? I kinda got everything else about this henna thing down, except this.
i got the goods yesterday, so i plan on using tomorrow, but a few more questions. will leaving it on an hour suffice, if i just want the conditioning benefits? how much(in terms of cups and or tbsp) henna and amla powder do i use if i have midback hair? with the strand test, do i leave the hairs in the mix for the same amount of time i plan on using the mix on my whole head? is mushy hair the only sign that henna is not right for your hair?

thanks :)
felicia said:
i got the goods yesterday, so i plan on using tomorrow, but a few more questions. will leaving it on an hour suffice, if i just want the conditioning benefits? how much(in terms of cups and or tbsp) henna and amla powder do i use if i have midback hair? with the strand test, do i leave the hairs in the mix for the same amount of time i plan on using the mix on my whole head? is mushy hair the only sign that henna is not right for your hair?

thanks :)

i left the cassia on my head for a little over an hour and the directions said to mix and let sit for 15 minutes before applying, not sure y tho. i would mix up by sight so that it is consistant with yogurt. i mixed a cup and a half for my hair which is thin an a little past my shoulders, this was wayyyy too much for me to have mixed. i stored the remaining mix in the freezer.