HENNA OVERNIGHT? (plz reply soon)


Active Member
i mixed my henna 5hr ago. but now its gettin late so i wanna leave it on overnight. should i?? or wait.... will it still be ok to use tomorrow?

plz help. i love henna but never left it on all night.:confused:

do you mean you mixes and you're waiting to release or you want to apply to your hair and leave on overnight?
JLove74 said:
do you mean you mixes and you're waiting to release or you want to apply to your hair and leave on overnight?
iv already mixed it. can i leave it on my hair over night???

naturaline said:
iv already mixed it. can i leave it on my hair over night???

(i looked at ur album;-)

i think i may just leave it to sit over night and put it on my hair tomorrow.


The first time I henna'd I left it on overnight. I was worried about it and rinsed it off as soon as I woke up (about 6:30 a.m.). I didn't have any problems with shedding or breaking.
How do you keep it from messing up your sheets? I get running mud when I apply it while awake!
I put on a plastic cap, tied my satin scarf over that, and then put a towel over my pillow. I slept very lightly that night because I was so scared that I was going to mess up my bedding.
Incredible1ne said:
I put on a plastic cap, tied my satin scarf over that, and then put a towel over my pillow. I slept very lightly that night because I was so scared that I was going to mess up my bedding.

:lachen: :lachen: me too. I didn't want to take any chances of the henna getting on my sheets...
Of course you can leave it on overnight! The longer the better! I've used Henna since i was 7 and my mother always left it on overnight for more colour relase. I leave mine on overnight unless i'm pushed for time. No ill effects at all.
sweetwhispers said:
Of course you can leave it on overnight! The longer the better! I've used Henna since i was 7 and my mother always left it on overnight for more colour relase. I leave mine on overnight unless i'm pushed for time. No ill effects at all.

Where do you get your henna from? When you leave it on over night is your hair real red?