Henna Mixture - Proportions?


Active Member
Hi does anyone know how much sage, nettles & cornsilk to add to the henna, 1/4 cu oil & 1/4 cu conditioner? If a tea is to be made how much, 1 tbsp of each herb into 1 cu of tea?
I used 1/4 cup of conditioner, a mixture of castor oil, olive oil and Hot Six Oil that equaled 1/4 cup and two TBS of Nature's Gate Herbal Conditioner. I didn't have any powdered herbs, but someone else (kasey? hada?) suggested the NG conditioner. It has nettle, cherry bark, burdock, lavender and a lot of other good herbs in it.
I mixed up a jaborandi and sage hair tea called Nature's Wonderland Herbal Hair & Scalp Conditioner (from pennherb.com) and used that instead of plain water. I'm not sure how much to add because I used too much. Boil 2-3 cups and add it 1/2 ounce at a time.
Hey SassyGirl,

U sound like an expert already! I told Cynthia that so far I've only used the oils, but will be adding the other herbs in my next treatment /images/graemlins/smile.gif I included that link because on it Mahalialee provided some excellent links re: henna. When is your treatment? I did mine every week for one month, then cut back to once a month. btw, Blkmane had recommended a Avocado Creme made in the DR. Girl that stuff is the bomb! I thruout my Queen Helene's, Lekairs, and Jhirmack cholesterol conditioners because IMO nothing I've tried so far can beat this in terms of its moisturizing property.
I live in NY so most beauty supply stores carry it. I'm relocating to Texas soon and I think I'll send a post or PM our Texas members to ask them do they have it there? Or must I load up before coming?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
U sound like an expert already!

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I wish! I also wish I'd read over that thread again. I would have known I was adding too much water.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Blkmane had recommended a Avocado Creme made in the DR. Girl that stuff is the bomb!

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The Tropical Avocodo? I love that stuff! It's like nothing I've seen before! I like the thick texture. I suggest you stock up before you leave. From the comments on this board and nc.com, it looks like it can only be found in NYC, NJ, MD and Miami, FL. I live in SC and it's no where to be found. I'm lucky to have a very patient friend in NYC. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I can't even convince any stores around here to order it...
Uh oh - looks like I might have to order this Avocado stuff &amp; return the Wella Kolestrol i got from Sally's.....

Thanks to you all for responding to me here...I read Mahalialee's and Kacey's post together &amp; now have a better idea of what to do. I didn't even think about using a cholestrol conditioner w/the henna but now that you ladies mention it, really, its one of the most moisturizing things that can be used for the hair. I think I'll order this avocado stuff to use w/the henna......
OK here's the link I've been looking for, and alas it is as I feared... I need to go buy even MORE products.
bumping for ennyaa. here are some more recipes on henna. don't forget to post your results, i'll be looking for it.