Henna mix


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I'm taking my hair out of braids today. I will mix my henna up today. I was going to Aveda to get my hair colored but I have had serval reactions to professional and none professional hair dyes. Now I'm going back to Henna after not using it in a few years. I use to mix my henna with apple cider vinegar. I had great color results but itchy scalp.

What do you use so mix your henna and how long do you allow it to sit before use?
I mix henna with tea and and often will use conditioner to make a henna gloss. I usually let it sit overnight or if I'm using it overnight, I'll mix it in the morning and let it sit for the rest of the day.
OK so the easiest mix is henna and green tea. It is acidic enough for color but won't be as drying.

The best mix ever (I play around with mixes). Was hennamixxed with tea, I added greek yougurt (it was going bad), aloe vera, a sprint of honey, and some conditioner. Felt and look awesome and for some reason that turn around the color really tool. O also had some mix of powders I hadn't used. Mostly Amla and Maka. Oh and oil.
I mix my henna with:
-room temp brewed coffee (adds a nice brownish hue)
-Dabur Amla Oil
-Trader Joe's condish..
That's it.

I've been henna'ing for quite a few years now (4 to be exact!), so I've gotten it all down to a wonderful routine. I henna religiously and without fail every single month!

  • I come home from work on Friday evening
  • mix the henna
  • finger-part and apply to entire head
  • wrap it up real nice
  • go to bed
I do not wait for color release, I get that while I'm sleeping. And I don't have to worry about going thru my day, or doing chores with a heavy "mud-head". LOL!!:grin:

Saturday AM, i simply co-wash it out.

The End....LOL
Henna & the juice of about 50 fresh squeezed lemons -- THATS IT!

no oils, yogurts, conditioners, spices, etc because 1. I want to preserve the amazing color that comes from the dye release in my henna and adding other ingredients nullifies that. 2. If it ain't broke don't fix it! - I don't find henna to be drying to my hair even while texlaxed (I DC after every henna treatment regardless). Also, since I get Yemeni henna which is naturally like melted mozzarella cheese, it stays on my head without thickeners. I'm a strong advocate for hennasooq because the quality of their henna is excellent so maybe that's reason #3 why I don't need to add other things to my henna.

I let mine sit in a disposable cake pan with a plastic cover over it ON TOP OF THE STOVE for about 2 hours with the oven on 400 degrees.
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i mix mine with brewed green tea and lemon juice and let it sit overnight. i try not to add too many things because my henna is the karishna (sp?) brand so it come with a few other things already mixed in

I also mix henna with fresh brewed coffee and conditioners, oils, and honey. I don't really let mine sit. I apply it almost right away,most times, and leave it on for a few hours, sometimes overnight. I also get a nice brown tint,very close to my natural hair color.