Henna is the *ish!!!!!!


New Member
I do have to say that I am an avid fan of Henna I don't care how much extra time it adds to my hair care regimen. Last week when I did my texlax my hair was shedding like crazy. I am not even sure it was all shedding I am sure that some of it was breakage. With every hand run thru my hair A TON OF HAIRS were left in my hands:nono: It was left feeling dry and I knew that it was time for a henna followed by DC'ing. So that is what I did today and even though I still had some shedding it was by no means as much as I had last week. I still DC'ed last week so I know it was the henna treatment that I did today.

I am in love with Henna right:grin:
I agree. I did my first Henna treatment last week and have noticed a strengthening in my hair. I use Alma oil too, so I'm sure that adds to it. I'm ready to do another Henna next week!
I added peppermint oil to it and cheapie conditioner as well. I want to make a henna gloss as well so that I can use that and do an actual henna treatment every other week.
wow, that's alott of Henna time.... my walls, shower curtain, carpet and towels will be too through!!

I just started using henna about 2 weeks ago...I waited so long because I was afraid of the rinse out mess. I found and am following The Morocco Method of rinsing.

Directions are to fill a tub of warm water, add several drops of oil to the water....get in and swish your hair/head from side to side in the oiled water. I also rinse the back of my hair at the same time.

Yes the water is full of diluted henna water, no it does not stain my skin nor sides of the tub, yes I must get out of the tub and let it drain for my final rinse and yes I must clean the tub but w/the oil it wipes easily and nothing's on the walls etc.

My second rinse is under the shower head and it runs very clear...then on to co wash & dc.

I'm now very comfortable w/henna....:grin: