Henna - Indigo


New Member
I am excited and I have to tell – and my boyfriend is sick of hearing about my hair stories so I am going to share it here: I did my first henna+indigo last night. I used the caca noir from Lush.
The smell of the henna brought back so many memories! My family lived in India for 5 years when I was a teenager and my friends and I would use henna on our hands, feet and hair – and mix sugar and lemon and all sorts of things in it to make the colour “stick”.
It hasn’t really changed the colour of my hair (which is dark brown anyway) but maybe in a couple of days it’ll look darker. I bought 2 bricks and I have enough left for 2 applications so I will apply it again next week maybe. I know a lot of girls complain that it is messy or smells bad, etc. Honestly I didn’t find it much more messy than commercial dyes – I sat in my shower and caked it on my sectioned hair, then glad wrapped, put a doo-rag over it and then a thick shower cap just in case. It took me an hour all up, from grating the brick to going to bed. I put a towel over my pillow and went to sleep with it. In the morning I woke up an hour early to rinse of the gunk and it wasn’t that hard: I rinsed off as much as I could under the shower (I opened the taps to full force), then massaged the little crumbs off with a cheapo conditioner and rinsed, x2. That was enough. I towel dried and applied Ultra Organics Henna Wax as a DC (recommended by Nomadpixi – this stuff is great!) then rinsed. My hair felt a bit more rough and tangly than usual, but I’ve always had that experience with herbs. It felt nicely thick though. I used ORS leave-in oil moisturizer, a bit of serum, and some vatika coconut oil on the ends, then put it all up in a bun and went to work.
I have a faint smell of leftover wet henna mixed with the smell of the henna wax (love it). I hope the colour turns out well in a couple of days. Next time, I will probably use water a bit warmer to dissolve the powder properly because my mix had too many small chunks in it (I used lukewarm water because I was scared to damage the indigo). And a criticism: I don’t really understand Lush’s point in compressing the henna in a brick – it might make handling and display more convenient, but that is lost in the hassle of having to grate the stupid thing (it wasn’t that difficult to grate, but I just think powder is better). When I am done with the Lush stuff I will probably try the pure henna/rinse/pure indigo method for a more blue-black colour.
If anyone has any tips/ideas/questions please share!
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I love henna/indigo and it made my hair darker than it's ever been. I did it in January of 2008 and I'll probably do it again this week. I purchased from Mendhi and the customer service was great. My hair still isn't as light as it used to be (turned a really warm brown) and I like the color but I want it darker again. I also noticed how strong my hair was. If I weren't so lazy I would have continued every month with a gloss (that's my plan now). Please let me know when you do it again & post pics. You are definitely one of my hair idles!!!!