henna in philly?!?


Active Member
any philly ppl here? :wave:
where do you get your indian hair products from?
i wanted to try henna soon, and maybe a shampoo bar...
I would love to know the same. I have been ordering henna online but I would love to find a source closer to home. Please let me know what you find :)
I'm in Philly! But I've never been interested in those products, there are some shops on 69th and Market that may sell them though .. across from the terminal.
try online... You can get it from cheap and its usually pretty good quality... try doing a search for henna here on the site...
I go to a store btw 41 & 43 and Walmut, it's by the 7eleven. I can never remember the exact #. They have henna, oils, shampoo and conditioner, and different powders, but I never saw a shampoo bar.
I go to a store btw 41 & 43 and Walmut, it's by the 7eleven. I can never remember the exact #. They have henna, oils, shampoo and conditioner, and different powders, but I never saw a shampoo bar.

There's a supermarket right around the corner on Chestnut. I was able to get shikakai and amla powder for $1.99 a box.