Henna has made my hair stink!


Well-Known Member
I just started to henna about a month ago and I can still smell it on my hair, and it STINKS. I wash anywhere from 2-4x/wk. Lately since it's getting colder my sebborheic dermatitis is acting up so I've been washing (w/poo) every other day and DC after. It still smells like henna. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to get rid of the smell? Will I have to wait until my next one and add some sweet smelling EO's?
Henna usually leaves a lingering sent for at least a week after I've used it. No matter what I use in the mixture, the scent is still there.
I wonder if it's the brand you are using. I've never had an issue like what you are describing. My hair usually takes on the smell of the conditioner or hair products I've put on my hair after rinsing out the henna. I know I wasn't any help, sorry.
I wonder if it's the brand you are using. I've never had an issue like what you are describing. My hair usually takes on the smell of the conditioner or hair products I've put on my hair after rinsing out the henna. I know I wasn't any help, sorry.
I agree with kandiekj100. I nor DH have ever had a lingering smell after using henna.

I use Jamila and Karishma brands.
are you sure you are getting your scalp?

henna never left a smell in my hair. even if i dont shampoo after and just co wash there is never a smell.
I've been using henna for years. It does have a fresh vegetably smell, but it should only linger for a few hours. i.e. If you put henna in this afternoon you shouldn't smell it in your hair tomorrow. Maybe it's the brand. Maybe you're using too much. You can try following up with your fave smelling shampoo or conditioner. Or add your fave smelling oils to a conditioner. Or if it's an ongoing problem maybe henna's not for you. If this is for conditioning and not for color there are other conditioning treatments that can probably do the same thing.
I used Reshma because that's only what I could find locally.

@chebaby What do you mean am I getting my scalp? Do you mean w/ henna or 'poo? I wash my scalp and let the shampoo run down. Since I can't get the smell out I have been lathering twice, making sure I squeeze the shampoo through my strands but nothing has helped. I can cover it with moisturizers but when I straighten I don't add products after washing, only chi silk infusion and a little raw shea butter on ends (those don't smell good to me either).

Edited for clarification.
yeh, i would have to agree w/ everyone else. it shouldn't linger in your hair for 1mth w/ 2-4 washes per week for the month.

at most it may linger and/or be recalled w/in the first few days if it gets wet but that should be it. 1mth is abnormal.

what brand is it that you're using? the smell should not be stinky in anycase. distinct for sure, stinky no. i like happen to like the earthiness of it.
I used Reshma because that's only what I could find locally.

@chebaby What do you mean am I getting my scalp? I wash my scalp and let the shampoo run down. Since I can't get the smell out I have been lathering twice, making sure I squeeze the shampoo through my strands but nothing has helped. I can cover it with moisturizers but when I straighten I don't add products after washing, only chi silk infusion and a little raw shea butter on ends (those don't smell good to me either).
i was just asking are you sure you were shampooing your scalp good because i was thinking maybe the henna smell was stuck to your scalp and not your hair( a few times i have found henna still on my scalp after i co wash or shampoo a few times). but if you are lathering twice then that cant be it.
maybe do a bentonite clay treatment to help lift the smell (and toxins and extra gunk. it really is better than the best clarifying shampoo)and then deep condition or steam.
usually my conditioner smells over power the grassy smell of the henna(even though i actually like that henna smell:look:)
ETA: ive never used reshma henna before but i heard it was good. is that the kind that pre mixed with other herbs?
Tiye I did add some AO HSR to it and what small amount that was left of a bottle of Vo5. I was using Cassia but I wanted the color, and I'm in love with it. I'm not going to stop using Henna I just wish I could get this strange smell out. No one has said anything but I know what my hair normally smells like after a 'pooing and DC. I think you're right, my best bet may be to add some sweet smelling oils and more conditioner. I hope that won't negate the henna benefits.
@chebaby No it's not mixed, I was looking for Karishma because I wanted all the extra goodies but the store didn't carry it. This brand is good I felt instant thickness, my strands are impossible to break (I try with my shed hairs, you know checking P/M balance :look:) and I love the color. Just the strange smell. Oooo bentonite clay. I've always wanted to try that stuff :grin:, is that something I must order online?
I use Karishma henna.
I usually wash it out with water till the water runs clear. Then I use a fruity smelling conditioner to wash it the henna out more thoroughly. And then I condition with a DC for 24hours with Silicon Bambu. Usually there isn't a lingering scent when I use this method.
@chebaby No it's not mixed, I was looking for Karishma because I wanted all the extra goodies but the store didn't carry it. This brand is good I felt instant thickness, my strands are impossible to break (I try with my shed hairs, you know checking P/M balance :look:) and I love the color. Just the strange smell. Oooo bentonite clay. I've always wanted to try that stuff :grin:, is that something I must order online?
you can get bentonite from whole food or any health food store. i always get mine from whole foods. you will love it:lick:
Skiggle That's similar to what I do, except I just do an overnight moisture DC (8-12 hrs). I don't have a fruity smelling DC, I once used Vo5 Moisture Milks for cowashes (various scents) but my hair/scalp hate them now idk why. I did my first henna and that rinsed very easily, the last one I did a week later because the color faded too much for me took a while to rinse clear. Maybe I have a henna overload??

chebaby Thank you kindly! I'll pick some of that up next week when I wash. I'm in the middle of flat ironing right now. I'll probably wash again Monday.
I think you may not be rinsing well enough. I would try rinsing longer or maybe with a more forceful stream. I always felt traces of henna in my hair when I rinsed in the shower. I haven't noticed it since I started rinsing my hair under the tub faucet.
I wash in the sink. I'm sure after 5 weeks all the henna is gone by now. I asked someone if my head smells weird just in case I'm going crazy and they confirmed it smells like grass lol.

Skiggle Yes I have Suave Naturals tropical coconut conditioner. It's ok. I'm using it up just to say I gave it a fair shot.
Try rinsing after your shampoo with ACV. It may close the cuticles. Especially with all the washing. Then add some lavender essential oil to your conditioner or leave in hair oil/sealant. But in any case, you're right it should not still strongly smell like you just did it. I hennaed on Saturday, and the scent was only noticeable to me for about 24 hours, but I left it on for almost 5 hours. I normally add lavender to my henna paste just before application to "cut" the odor a bit. Hth!
It took a minute for me to get used to the smell of the ayurveda powders as well. I've found that I have to add a strong fruity smelling condish to my mix in order to reduce the earthy smell of the powders. So I use V05 for this reason only.

I hope you find something that works soon.

There's nothing worse than walking around with a lingering smell in your hair. Hubby used a stinky dandruff shampoo and we could not shake the smell from his hair nor the shower drain for almost two months!!
Thanks for all the help everyone! I gotta pickup bentonite clay, a sweet smelling conditioner, and lavendar oil.
I am sorry you are having that problem. I have henna'd overnight many times and the smell leaves after I deep condition. I use Jamilla and Nupur. Are you starting off with clean hair or hair that has product on it? You know, people are unique and your hair/skin may just react differently to henna. I do cowash with huge amounts of fruity VO5 before I deep condition so maybe that is what is taking away the smell.
chebaby YOU ARE A GENIUS! :thankyou:for the bentonite clay advice. The grass smell is gone.:pepper: I mixed the bentonite clay with a couple of squirts of hemp oil and water (AVJ was frozen from leaving on top shelf of fridge :look:) and left it on with a heating cap for an hour. I haven't DC'd yet but my hair is very soft as if I did. Thank you so much.:bighug: