
Well-Known Member
Is it recommeded to use henna on natural hair that is occasionally pressed, or should it only be used for relaxed and can it be purchased at Sallys or only online. I live in Northern E. Texas and there are no Indian stores in the area. Please ladies give a girl a little help, Thanks in advance.
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Henna is GREAT for natural hair!

I wouldn't buy any henna that Sally's sold, as it's most likely NOT Body Art Quality, and that's the kind that you want in order to be sure that your hair won't react negatively to perms/future coloring.

I get my henna from FNWL (it's under skin product, then Indian skin care, then powered henna). It's cheap, it's GOOD, and it's easy to wash out.
I'm natural, use henna and love it. I also use FNWL brand. I actually bought some henna from a local Indian store and the quality was very poor so I'll definately continue to buy mine online at fromnaturewithlove.com.
Thanks so much for the responses. I cld Sallys this morn and asked about henna and the girl said hennnna? I then asked when the mgr would be in. Unfortunately the area that I live has not one Indian store. Man, I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get any love on LHCF as I ask questions and get very few if any responses. So thank you ladies
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What a timely question!!! I was wondering if there was a salon in the Atlanta area that does Henna or if most of you ladies would suggest that I do it myself.
Any sites with step by step directions would be appreciated!!! LHCF is the best!!
*pimps self out real quick*

This is my henna application instructions, with pictures and erryting (you gotta scroll down a bit).

I was making a 'unique' mixture - I would suggest just starting with 1/4 cup of henna, 1/4 cup (plus a tiny bit) of HOT water (to make a paste) and then dump in about an equal amount of cheapie conditioner (or the stuff you have in your cabinet that you really don't like but could never figure out how to use up! :lachen:)

It's taken a while to get my groove down, but right now if the henna is always mixed/released, it takes me about 20 minutes to apply the henna to my hair.
Guuuurrrlllllllllll...........thank you so much! I just read your routine and I'm all over it. I will be ordering my henna online....I've heard too many bad results from buying less than decent quality henna from local Indian stores.
Thanks a bunch!
I love henna on my hair! It loosens my curls up just enough so that I can do something with them and it makes my hair very strong and shiny. The natural sheen that I have is unbelieveable.

I know you can't find Henna at sally's. I would check the hair exchange forum, I know that strength81 was selling some and her quality and shipment time is amazing! There are other various sites that ladies use to order their henna as well.

Let us know how your first application goes!
*pimps self out real quick*

This is my henna application instructions, with pictures and erryting (you gotta scroll down a bit).

I was making a 'unique' mixture - I would suggest just starting with 1/4 cup of henna, 1/4 cup (plus a tiny bit) of HOT water (to make a paste) and then dump in about an equal amount of cheapie conditioner (or the stuff you have in your cabinet that you really don't like but could never figure out how to use up! :lachen:)

It's taken a while to get my groove down, but right now if the henna is always mixed/released, it takes me about 20 minutes to apply the henna to my hair.

Hey Nappywomyn, thanks for your recipe! I thought you had to use lemon juice or something acidic with the henna to release the color?
Hey Nappywomyn, thanks for your recipe! I thought you had to use lemon juice or something acidic with the henna to release the color?

I've found with FNWL's henna, all I need to do is use hot water, and the dye releases within 45 minutes to an hour - that's why I always recommend it - I love that I don't HAVE to add an acid.
No one has answered my question re: pressed natural hair and henna, anyone got any ideas?

As far as if you can use it on hair that is occasionally pressed? Oh, definitely - you can use BAQ henna on hair that is getting ANYTHING done to it, from relaxing, to texturizing, to pressing - it'll help your hair anyway.
I am so interested in trying henna....yet scared at the same time. :hide:
Does anyone know if the henna that's sold at Whole Foods safe to use on our hair? :confused:
As far as if you can use it on hair that is occasionally pressed? Oh, definitely - you can use BAQ henna on hair that is getting ANYTHING done to it, from relaxing, to texturizing, to pressing - it'll help your hair anyway.

Thank you so much, now I just have to find some henna and indigo, unfortunately its not sold in my area.
Thank you so much, now I just have to find some henna and indigo, unfortunately its not sold in my area.

Hi yellagirl. I'm also natural (4a/b) and I love henna and indigo. I bought my indigo online from http://www.starwestbotanicals.com. On the site it's billed as black henna powder but when you click on it, you'll see the proper botanical name, Indigofera tinctoria. I haven't tried their henna yet because I'm still using henna that I purchased online from http://www.eastwestbazaar.com.
I plan on applying Henna this weekend. This gray hair has got to go!! Plus I'm looking for the conditioning effect as well as I would LOVE to LOOSEN my natural curl.