Henna Experts: I need your help!


Active Member
I am doing my first henna treatment tomorrow and I just had a few quick questions :) :

1. I have a 200g box of Reshma henna and a 100g box of amla. I have fairly thick hair that is just about APL. Is that enough for one application?

2. For those of you that freeze leftover henna, do you freeze the extra powder or make the paste first then freeze whats leftover?

3.How long should I leave it on? Do I need to sit under a dryer?

Thanks in advance for your help. I have been very excited to try this and can't wait to see the results!
Prayingforprogress said:
I am doing my first henna treatment tomorrow and I just had a few quick questions :) :

1. I have a 200g box of Reshma henna and a 100g box of amla. I have fairly thick hair that is just about APL. Is that enough for one application?

2. For those of you that freeze leftover henna, do you freeze the extra powder or make the paste first then freeze whats leftover?

3.How long should I leave it on? Do I need to sit under a dryer?

Thanks in advance for your help. I have been very excited to try this and can't wait to see the results!

It depends on how you plan on mixing your henna. I bought 2 boxes of 100g Jamila henna and it has lasted me for months. My hair is right at the top of my shoulders and I mix it with conditioner so I am able to cover my entire head with the following mix. You have longer hair so you might want to double this IF you plan to use it the way I did.

2 tablespoons of henna
1 tablespoon of amla powder
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of indigo (didn't want my hair to be too red)
1/4 cup of hot water
1 tablespoon of my favorite conditioner
1 tablespoon of evoo

I only do it this way because I want it to work as a moisturizer and strengthener at the same time. My hair comes out great every time.

Good luck!
1. I have a 200g box of Reshma henna and a 100g box of amla. I have fairly thick hair that is just about APL. Is that enough for one application?

That's probably more than enough. My hair is just now APL and I only use about 50-75g of henna, but I also mix in indigo and alma powder.

2. For those of you that freeze leftover henna, do you freeze the extra powder or make the paste first then freeze whats leftover?

I freeze my henna powder. I've heard others say that when they make henna paste and have some left over, it goes in the freezer as well. However, do not freeze indigo paste because it will not keep in the freezer.

3.How long should I leave it on? Do I need to sit under a dryer?

It varies. I've heard of people who keep it on for a half hour and sit under a dryer, and I've heard of people who leave it on all night. I usually keep it on for 30-40 minutes while sitting under a dryer.
1. I have a 200g box of Reshma henna and a 100g box of amla. I have fairly thick hair that is just about APL. Is that enough for one application? more than enough

2. For those of you that freeze leftover henna, do you freeze the extra powder or make the paste first then freeze whats leftover? I mix with water, let the color relase, divide mixture in ziploc bags and freeze. When I'm ready to use, thaw at room temp, add extras - amla, cassia, oils or condish

3.How long should I leave it on? Do I need to sit under a dryer? For at least 30 min with or without heat. Reshma gave my hair the red color quicker than the other I'd used. It's my staple now:)
Personally, I don't think you should start out using 100g of alma. Some have mentioned before that it was drying and had to cut way back on the amount of alma they used.