Henna Covered my Gray!!!!!


New Member
Hello ladies,

I'm somewhat excited and a little disappointed. After doing research on the forum about Henna, I decided to try it because so many people had good things to say. Well, I went to a couple of Indian stores and I found Jamila Henna, Hesh Amla and while I was there, I got some Vatika Oil.

I mixed the Henna per Catherine's instructions (from Henna for Hair). I mixed 200 grams of Henna, 50 grams of Amla (because I was scared the Henna was going to turn my hair fire red) and lemon juice. Boy was this a mistake.

I was very pleased that my gray strands are covered, I couldn't believe it, they are all covered, but.....my hair felt very brassy. I used Suave conditioner and silk elements conditioner to rinse out the henna with good success, but I noticed that my hair was not soft and it was tangled, even though I used globs of conditioner.

I am not good with doing my own hair, so I made my usual trip to the Dominican Salon to get it washed, deep conditioned and rollerset. I bought some Honey Conditioner from the shop because I ran out of Silicon Mix and they didn't have anymore, so I said, what the heck, it is still probably good because it came from the Dominican Republic.....NOT! I honestly thought that my hair would feel different after getting it done at the salon. The lemon juice must have been really harsh.

After reading the boards, I have made the decision that I am going to have to start doing my hair myself with the exception of relaxing. I noticed today how harsh they treated my hair and all of the wrong things they did, like......detangling with a small comb and all of the pulling when they were blowing it out. I love the body and bounce that my hair has when I go to the DOMINICAN salon, but I think my hair is going to pay for it in the long run.

I'm sorry ladies for going off on a tangent, this post was supposed to be about Henna!

The bottom line is this....I like the fact that Henna covered my gray and it is not as messy as I thought it would be, therefore, I will be using it again...but I will not mix it with lemon juice. I'll keep reading for other recipes. I think I read where someone just mixes it with water and honey, that sounds simple enough.

Thank you ladies for all of your help. This site is awesome!!!!

P.S. When I figure out how to link my fotki, I will do that.:)
I also read once that it is good to mix henna with yogurt.

Also, I think I read once somewhere on this board :confused: that you can mix henna with indigo for a less bright color that would still cover the gray.