Henna/Beer result


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I used beer with my henna yesterday and here's a picture of the result. The picture doesn't really give it justice, but it's really shiny and the color is a light reddish color all over. I took the pictures, so it was hard to get a full head shot, but I'll have hubby take better ones when he gets home. The stuff in my hair is from stuff falling from the tree. Even the darker hair has a light reddish color when combed out.

oh wow you got a good result! Nice color! i like the darker chunks and then reder chunks very very nice!

so what do you think the beer did for the henna that lemon juice and or ACV wouldn't do? Does the beer release the color more intense or something? I have never tried henna but was planning this year early next year!
It look so nice, i want to have a black dye with some red lights in it (but i don't want to decolorate my hair) this henna + coffe, i think, gave you the same effects i want to have. But i will wait to see more pictures =)
OHH I am always down to try something new. Where'd you get the beer idea from? You use the beer instead of citrus juice? I had been using green tea but I think I got a better result last time (last week) using lemon juice even though the claim is that lemon juice is more drying. Didn't really seem to dry it out.
It looks really nice. i really like the color.

Did you just add beer or did you add other things to your henna as well? What was your entire process if you don't mind? TIA
Very pretty. What made you use beer? I have been trying to intensify henna's reddish color in my hair to no success. Did you use Karishma henna?
i remember seeing your other post where you said you'd try it.. nice results!! I really want some red hair in my life so i need some details..what beer did you use? Type or brand of henna? how did you apply it?? EVERYTHiNG honey!! lol
I did my usual henna routine, but I used beer this time instead of water to mix the henna. I always let it sit overnight in an iron bowl; wash my hair before putting the henna on. I let henna sit for about 4 -5 hours; yesterday I used Sakla Jarobandi condish (which by the way is the BOMB) to clean my hair. I then did a DC under the steamer for 30 minutes. Rinsed, did my leave in stuff, air dried and that was it. I used Kirishma henna.
I love the color. What is your natural hair color?
My hair gets a deep burgundy from henna but only one strand gets as vivid as the color you have.
I love your color, I have used beer before just as a rinse and it made my hair very soft and shinny so I cannot wait to try this.
Now I think some of the reddish color is because of some grey hair I have. Some but not all of it, because I don't have that much.
i really wanna try this except i do not want burgundy hair AT ALL i would want red but not too bright. i was thinking about just coloring it but im scared to =/