Henna at Walmart


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used walmart henna. I have and I was wondering was this a real henna for hair.
What is henna intended to do for your hair?

It left my hair kind of hard not cruncy but u knew it was strong.It was so so.
If you used walmarts henna please let me know or if you havent tried it go out and tell me what you think.
I've never heard of henna being bought at Walmart. Are you talking about henna n' placenta?
Thank you for posting that, greenandchic. :)

If I were you, I'd stay away from that stat. That is definitely not the henna you're looking for. I asked earlier because I've seen a lot of folks buy that product because of its name.
The Anti-Hair slave said on her vlog to make sure any henna you buy is "body art quality." Not sure if the Wal-mart brand has that, or not :(
No, that wasn't real henna. That was a product with probably a drop of henna in it.

Check out these threads for information on real henna.



great resources in the quoted. you can also try for info on henna and natural hair (i don't remember if you're natural):

on another note: i'm totally appalled (like, seriously) that you not only purchased but actually used something that you had noooo idea about. not even the basics, like... what will this do to my hair. what are supposed to be the benefits of henna.... that's some dangerous sh!t OP. how you gonna jump on a bandwagon w/out knowing anything about it? :perplexed

buying the wrong product is cool but you have to know why you're putting something in your head or you will soon get into trouble. one of the things you should be learning from the forum (or wherever) is to research, analyse, then and only then apply :look:

btw: your local indian store (if you have one) will stock good henna (as well as bad henna). a reliable brand is Nupur and only about 1.99 for 150g so really good value. once you get all experienced and loving it then you may want to spring for the BAQ stuff everybody raves about.

good luck...
I didn't know walmart sold henna - but walmart sells all kinds of things and gets new products in constantly. So I don't know whether or not they sell Indian store type henna until I know. I'll keep an eye out next time I'm at the wall.