Henna and Relaxers


New Member
For those who relax and henna... when do you do it?

Do you ever relax over hair hair that has been colored with henna?

How long after a fresh relaxer do you wait to henna?

I'm curious to know how henna reacts with relaxers. I'd like to use it, but I can't figure out a way to incorporate in into my regimen while being sure I don't wreck my hair...
I wait at least a week sometimes 2 after I get a relaxer before I henna. After that I henna every other week until it's time for my next relaxer. HTH!
I prefer to relax/henna on the same day. This last relaxer (last week) I forgot I had no henna and it was on the way. Other than that I tend to henna every six weeks or so.
I usually henna about two weeks after a relaxer. Then I do it maybe one or two more times until the next relaxer.

Thanks for replying everyone. So henna doesn't afccet the relaxing process. I thought that it coats the hair and might make relaxing more difficult. Or that the color could possibly be messed up after relaxing on top of it.

I prefer to relax/henna on the same day. This last relaxer (last week) I forgot I had no henna and it was on the way. Other than that I tend to henna every six weeks or so.

I would have thought that henna is too drying to use on the day of your relaxer. No drying problems at all?
Thanks for replying everyone. So henna doesn't afccet the relaxing process. I thought that it coats the hair and might make relaxing more difficult. Or that the color could possibly be messed up after relaxing on top of it.

I would have thought that henna is too drying to use on the day of your relaxer. No drying problems at all?

I add grapeseed oil to my henna mix and a bit of silk protein. As long as you do a good DC afterwards your hair should be fine:yep:.
what about pre-relaxer? how long after a henna treatment should i get a touch-up? thats what i can never figure out
I have henna'ed my hair just a day before a relaxer however this was not planned. My hair was a little under-processed because I coulnd't leave the relaxer on long enough because of the scalp aggravation the day before. Other than that my hair came out pretty good.

Now the second time I waited 3 days to relax my hair after a henna treatment and it came out amazing - just see my avatar here and check out my fotki. My hair actually came out very silky soft and straight. I tend to henna my hair every 3-4 weeks and I relax now every 10 - 12 weeks.

ETA: Thankfully henna is a natural coloring product and it's strengthening all at the same time and I have no inhibitions about it's use before and after a relaxer. I would usually henna my hair about a week or 2 after a relaxer as well and still no problem. I use henna glosses and indigo. I deep condition my hair for many hours after a henna treatment and my hair comes out really nice and soft.
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I have henna'ed my hair just a day before a relaxer however this was not planned. My hair was a little under-processed because I coulnd't leave the relaxer on long enough because of the scalp aggravation the day before. Other than that my hair came out pretty good.

Now the second time I waited 3 days to relax my hair after a henna treatment and it came out amazing - just see my avatar here and check out my fotki. My hair actually came out very silky soft and straight. I tend to henna my hair every 3-4 weeks and I relax now every 10 - 12 weeks.

ok thanks! i thought i would have to wait for a while since it coats
I usually wait about a week or two. Some of the henna will show in the relaxer cream. So don't freak if it's a little orange-y. lol
Thanks for replying everyone. So henna doesn't afccet the relaxing process. I thought that it coats the hair and might make relaxing more difficult. Or that the color could possibly be messed up after relaxing on top of it.

I would have thought that henna is too drying to use on the day of your relaxer. No drying problems at all?

My henna mix has a lot of conditioner in it and I skip any acids or terps to prevent drying then I DC for a good while. I haven't had a problem yet. And actually my hair comes out better I think.
My henna mix has a lot of conditioner in it and I skip any acids or terps to prevent drying then I DC for a good while. I haven't had a problem yet. And actually my hair comes out better I think.

This is exactly what I do with my henna treatments too. I add some conditioner, and I use no terps like lemon juice or vinegar at all. They are tooooooo drying to African American hair. The only thing I add is 1 tablespoon of amla powder to my henna - to me that's enough terp effect I need. Besides, terps are only needed to help the henna color release faster, but because I set my henna overnight to release the color for about 12 hours, I have no need for terps.
a week before and two weeks after.. i heard you shouldn't relax and henna on the same day because the henna keeps all the chemical residue that is never totally washed out on your hair ....or something so