Henna and Mega- tek


New Member
ok... I finally broke down and bought a bottle of MT and so far, so good..

But I know that I am NOT supposed to use any other protein during this time b/c the MT has major protein in it...

but what about henna you guys? I mean, is henna a no- no when you are megateking? I have already noticed major growth in the week that I have been using it.. but I dont want my hair to fall out because I like to henna..

Is henna considered a protein?

How about you megateks, are NOT using henna during the use of this growth aid? HELP!:scratchch:feedback:

That is just too much protein overload and you should just let the mega-tek take into effect b4 you start using anything else! Just use moisture-based products when not using the mega-tek!
i just started using mt about three weeks ago and i applied henna on my hair this thursday and so far i haven't gotten any problem... i made sure i paused on megatek 2 days before i henned and i did a thorough moisturizing deep condition right after. i resumed my mt application a day after and is fine. hope this helps

The thing that is confusing about this is whether or not henna is a protein.

If henna is not technically a protein, it might act enough like a protein when I am using Mega- tek... which is a no-no.

Well... I guess I'll hope for several more responses before I make a move.

Thanks for your responses.. Please keep them coming.:bump:
lots of the posts i read about MT & henna, the ladies consider henna a light protein. i havent used MT yet or henna but its in my plans for the next 2 weeks. i would say, if u want to henna, stop MT for maybe 4-7 days prior and wait about 3 or 4 days after. just my opinion & what i plan on doing....
lots of the posts i read about MT & henna, the ladies consider henna a light protein. i havent used MT yet or henna but its in my plans for the next 2 weeks. i would say, if u want to henna, stop MT for maybe 4-7 days prior and wait about 3 or 4 days after. just my opinion & what i plan on doing....

Thanks pretty good idea... Especially since I don't want the henna color to fade..
Henna is not a protein at all. Tannins is the word you're looking for.

MegaTek goes on the scalp, right? and Henna goes on the hair. So I'm not understanding how you can get a protein overload even if henna was a protein.
Henna is not a protein at all. Tannins is the word you're looking for.

MegaTek goes on the scalp, right? and Henna goes on the hair. So I'm not understanding how you can get a protein overload even if henna was a protein.

I think the problem is that products get mixed up in your hair.. There is bound to be overlapping.. So.. will the high probability of damage occur where there is overlap?

Even if henna is a tannin... Does it act as a protein when mega tek users should Avoid protein? That's why I needed a little clarification...
I have henna in my hair and I'm now using MT. I am having no problem at all.

I never even considered a conflict of interest because Henna IS not a protein. Henna is a plant (ground leaves) . I see that many on here think henna is a protein but it's not.

I've been using OCT and I just started the MT. My hair is nice and soft.

No problems at all.
I hendigo to cover my grey hair and I use MegaTek for growth. My hair is prone to drying out. So, I wait until I restore my moisture balance after a hendigo treatment prior to using MegaTek. So far the wait has been 1 week post hendigo. I waited 24 hours after CO washing MegaTek off of my scalp prior to applying my hendigo mix. I didn't want the MegaTek to hinder color uptake. I didn't have any problems.
Henna is not a protein, but it can act like one on your hair.
The tannins give the same sort of strength to your hair that proteins can, and the symptoms of over-henna'ing hair are almost identical to the symptoms of over-proteining hair. So, yeah, it's a bit simplistic to say henna = protein, when you should be saying henna acts like protein.

With that said, I'm using MT & Henna together - I use MT only on my scalp, and henna on my entire head. The only change I've done is that I now henna less frequently (about once every three months instead of every other month) - usually when I start seeing a little more breakage than usual, and that tells me that it's high time for a henna treatment.

Since I use MT on my scalp nightly, I know at least a small amount of it is getting onto the length of my hair - I'm good, but I'm not that good, and I'm in twists. I suppose you could apply the MT so perfectly that none of it gets on your hair - but it would be a slow process, I think.

I don't skip any days before or after my henna, though - I just DC very well afterwards, and make sure that my hair isn't dry, and I start right back up with the MT.

I think there are a couple of other threads on the same topic, so you might want to do a search. :yep:
Yeah henna is not a protein though it acts like one - strengthening, filling in cracks in the hair cuticle. Also it can be drying like proteins which is why a good moisturising DT is recommended after henna treatments. Note that some proteins are plant derived (eg soy, wheat) so henna being a plant does not auomatically mean it cannot be a protein.
PS - I am bumping this topic for more replies because I henna and will be starting MT soon :=)