Henna and hot water....


Well-Known Member
Do you have to mix hot water with henna? I thought that I read on hennaforhair, that you only mix compound henna, indigo, etc with hot water. But not pure henna. Can someone help me out on this?
Good question I thought the same thing. I have my 1st batch of henna cooking right now and i did not use hot water.

My mix

2 tablespoons EVOO
cheapie con
lemon juice
little bit of reg water

on the hennaforhair site it says that boiling water makes the color more brassy.


P.S. so excited to do my first Henna tommorow:grin:
U can if u want. When I use hot water with it the color released quicker.

Now I only use it for conditioning purposes so I dont use hot water at all
I use hot water in my henna mix. I figured since I don't really use an acid (i.e. citrus juice) or alcohol in it, I need to use something to "develop" the henna. I still get the color release and conditioning, but I never have "straw dry" hair.
It is not a requirement to use hot water w/ henna.

I've been using BAQ henna since January, 2006 and mix it w/ hot (not boiling) water.
Do you have to mix hot water with henna? I thought that I read on hennaforhair, that you only mix compound henna, indigo, etc with hot water. But not pure henna. Can someone help me out on this?

You don't have to, unless you don't want a strong color from the henna. I never used hot water in my mixture. Hot water may allow henna to release quicker, but it will definitely effect the color you get. See http://www.hennaforhair.com/freebooks/hennaforhair.pdf They show pictures of how hot water can affect the color you get. I just use lukewarm/warm water, a touch of ACV, and let it sit for a minimum of 8 hours at room temp.