Henna and aphogee..???


Well-Known Member
Is it OK to henna then do an aphogee protein treatment? ( I know some say you dont have too but I want too)

Why or why not?

Also are you guys deep conditioning before or after henna?
I would not do aphogee in conjunction with henna. If I'm not mistaken, henna has protein like properties and doing aphogee may be overkill. I DC after.
…I wont bother …thanks a lot ; )

Next question…Do you Deep condition RIGHT after you wash then henna out? Or do you wait?

When I remove my braids next week-end I want to frist:

Clarify, henna, then deep condition…Is this a good plan?Should I add anything to it?

Also is it the things you apply to the henna that thickens your hair Or is it the just plain henna that does the thickening?? (this has always confused me)

I dont wear braids but I read that a lot of women, wash, dc and wait a few days or a week before doing anything else to their hair such as relaxing or applying henna. I'm sure someone with a little more insight about that will chime in. Or PM Sareca, she wears twist/braids and does henna.

The henna will thicken on it's own. Just add water slowly, you want it to be a yogurt consistency.