Henna acting weird!!!


Active Member
whenever i henna and wash my hair few days after, the colur seems to wash off..i get brownish- reddish suds instead of white suds:ohwell:..is this normal??, i also relaxed 4-5days after my henna treatment and the relaxer cream turned reddish -brown... am i using fake henna????
a few days after i henna, a little bit of the color does come off, but it's not brown or red! when i deep condition, the conditioner can turn a bit yellow / orangish when it's left on my hair for a while, but that wears off after day 5. they say you should avoid direct shampooing for a little bit after doing your henna treatment, to preserve the color deposit, so i cowash for 2 weeks after henna-ing.

the relaxer opens the cuticles up and manipulates the proteins in the hair. some of the henna molecules came out when the shaft was open, and that's what caused the cream to change color. this is why all my henna color seems to disappear after a touch-up :nono:

so yes it's normal, and what brand of henna are you using? as long as it's body art quality, then it's real henna.
k..so no washing or relaxing of hair so soon :drunk:
yeah..its body art henna but its sooo cheap am beginning to doubt the quality..
Be sure to rinse really, really well. Henna can be hard to rinse out. I usually still see some light orange drips when I'm done rinsing. Make sure your water is running clean when you rinse; I do it in the bathtub so I can see the water. I don't think you're losing color; I think you just have leftover paste in your hair.

My henna is cheap too, but it does exactly what it's supposed to and a year and only a few touchups later the color is still lovely.