Helping relatives with their hair


New Member
I am officially on board to help my SO's younger cousins with their hair we are talking short, dry damaged hair ladies. I couldn't stand it any longer, I have taken 4 yes FOUR of his cousins all of them are sisters into my wing. One of the girls is a lurking member; transition her dry relaxed hair into a beautiful crown of natural hair. I treated her to weekly DC treatment and off she went with the natural hair.

Two of the cousins I had to braid their hair as a labor of love (they are my babysitters) and for them to stretch out their relaxers and try to get it healthy this is the only way to do so because they will not try any protective and the last one the baby cousin I am giving WEEKLY DC treatments and setting her up with her supplies. Her hair is so short and she would like braids like sisters but I told her in order to do so she will have to take care of her hair.

One of my own older cousins she wanted to big chop her hair and I did and she is a raving natural.

Anyone else helping out any family members younger ones especially??
Nope. My mom has had BSL hair her whole life without even trying. I'm not that close to the family that lives near me so she's the only one I could help.
My DD, with the help of the natural ladies here I helped her transition and big chop. She is 1.5 years natural now. My Sis, I do all her henna treatments and helped her establish a regimen and get products that work for her hair type.
You are so nice!

I tried to help my younger cousins, who have this :snap: much hair. At the time I was transitioning, so they thought I was crazy. Now two years later, I have more hair than all of them combined.

Mind you these girls are between ages 10-15. And as you can see, my hair aint that long.

I'm glad they are down with the program! I gotta get mine on board! :)
I think you can do it but you should try and explain to them not only what to do but the reasons behind you doing it.

Like why don't need to gunk your scalp down with grease because regardless of race, everyone's scalp produces oil unless they have a disease.

Why black hair is dry? Oils don't travel all the way down the shaft of our strands because it is winding back and forth and is diffucult for the oil to do.

Why oil doesn't infuse moisture into the shaft or strands of hair.

then they will understand and it will take the pressure off you. :yep:

As the cliche goes, "You can give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day or you can teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a life time.
I am their hairy godmother, funny. Yeah I feel like I need to share all of this knowledge AND products. The girls see my hair and don’t even question me. Now my mom she will not listen for anything.
No not really... I've offered a friend or two some advice when they asked. Most people don't think I have any hair because it's covered up most of the time. And I did my mom's hair for her once. That's about it.

ETA: I've been trying to get my hands on my roomates hair for months. She's natural and about APL. But she won't let me.
I braid my nieces hair every two weeks. My SIL won't let anyone else touch her head....I sometimes do my SIL's hair.
i want to help my mom because she has about 3 different colors in her hair. she doesnt go to the hair salon that often plus she relies on rinses which dont last long. i think she would really like henna and indigo but my mom is stubborn and wont let anyone but the hairdresser do her hair. and she doesnt like change so......
I got one of my sisters a membership, but she wont log in. I have others I have tried to get to participate, but they want me to translate and give them the cliff notes instead of learning for themselves. One of my girlfriends has a 13 year old daughter, I offered a membership to, if she would stay out of trouble, but I cant get her motivated.