Helping a friend


New Member
Hey Ladies
hope someone can help, now i'm no hair expert so I don't really feel qualified to pass out advice, so I am wondering if you ladies can help me pass on some tips to my mate.

She has very fine edges almost disappearing and thin hair from relaxer damage. I would like to help her get a routine that will restore her hair to some kind of thickness as well as get her into incorporating some healthy practices.

So she has been weaving & braiding it up, but this really isn't doing jack for her edges -

what would you recommend to protect her hair that is easy in maintenance and not time consuming.

I suggested wigs but am afraid that it will just rub along her edges as it is

She is no longer relaxing so she is also managing 2 textures - she really has no clue, I have found its just easier to say "hey why not try this?"
then give her a product to try - eg, had her baggy overnight with oil when she removed her recent braids but if I could leave her with a solid regime that we could review after a couple of months that would be awesome

She has asked for my help so want to point her in the best direction

TIA xx
lol, i was looking for a link - just for a second, I think she would be overwhelmed - best way to put it is she is not the brightest bulb bless her heart
I'm sure you've mentioned a few things to her already:

1. Deep conditioning with moisture and protein (especially since her hair is chemically process)

2. Moisturizing daily to prevent breakage

3. Protective styling to prevent mechanical breakage

4. Massaging castor oil on her scalp 2-3 times a week

Also, I suggest wearing a fall wig instead of a regular wig. That way her edges are left out. Maybe a curly wig to help blend the 2 textures.