

New Member
Hi ....i want to reach at least waist length by december and im five inches away I know its a push but I also know its possible so im asking for any advice that I can get to help me reach my goal I will be extremely thankful for your help

My regime
co wash w/ mane n tail every other day
blue magic on ends after every cowash for sealant
mtg every other night
baggy every night w/light spritz of aloe vera juice water and olive oil
bun everyday
trim every four months
Green tea rinse every two weeks and combout with hair drenched in tresemme anti breakage conditioner
As you are only 5 inches from waist length it seems to me that you know your hair very well and are taking good care of it.

I say carry on doing what ur doing and perhaps take a vitamin supplement if you don't already do so.
Yes but it seems like my hair is growing so slow ...but its not breaking because with my blue magic :) I get almost no breakage and I take one multivitamin everyday and occasionaly and a fish oil when I remeber :S
You sound like you're doing everything right, by LHCF standards. I'm assuming you also aren't using have no breakage.....
looks like the only thing you don't have in your regi is.....
patience. Lol. :lol:
Exercise is the only thing I see missing that might help. Everything you're doing directly to your hair looks good.
Now question with the exercise iss it the sweat thst makes the hair grow or is it the circulation because in the summer even though I dont exercise I sweat a lot and my hair grows faster so is it possible its the heat or sweat rather than the circulation from exercise