Help with spring twists

How much would you pay for spring/kinky twists?

  • (Hair included) Less than $100

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • (Hair included) $100 to $150

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • (Hair included) more than $150

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • (buy hair separately) less than $100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • (buy hair separately) $100 to $150

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • (buy hair separately) more than $150

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,
I was thinking of getting extensions but I've never had them before so I need a little help with this. How much would you pay for this style:
Picture from

Please answer in the poll above for the price with and without including the hair. I called a place (the only one within a 30 mile radius from where I live) and she tld me $150 (that's including the price of the hair), but I have no idea if that's less than average, more, about right? I want them about shoulder length.
Let me know what you think is a fair price. TIA :grin:
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I voted more than $150 cause they usually cost $160 with hair incuded. My friend had nubian twists styled exactly the same way and the look just like the pic, they were gorgeous. I'm gonna get me some soon. Good luck
Thanks for the responses ladies, I guess I'm used to $20 blowouts so when she said $150 I was like :blush:
I think I'll get it done on my day off next week :)
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So I finally got them done today and I absolutely hat everything about them :sad:

Angry rant warning:
I got a pm from someone who wanted pics which reminded me I had contemplated getting these. Ok, so my day started out pretty well, I made $150 last night, and I got a call from work this morning asking if I wouldn't mind staying home tonight instead of coming in AND I found a $20 in my jacket, I was like, score, hair + tip :). I thought, it's a sign, get the twists done today.

I called the place and the lady assured me I didn't need an appointment and she could take me right away. I washed and DCed my hair then blowdried with my diffuser. When I get there, there are already two ladies getting their hair done. I put on my ipod and wait, 1 1/2 hour later she tells me, do you mind these two ladies first then do you. I'm like yeah no prob, go ahead. So she calls these two other women (that weren't in the shop) to come over and get their hair done!
That's when I'm like, oh I'm leaving then, I thought you meant the ladies already here. So she apologises and says she'll do me next.

Now I'm watching them, and I see them burning hair, and this one lady actually requested that any edges that didnt fit in a braid just be cut or shaved off!:blush: So I'm taking notes on what not to do to my hair.

The whole time I have a big slouchy hat on. Finally when I sit down, she looks at her coworker and says in french, we'll charge her $180, too much hair:rolleyes:. Honey I speak 4 languages, it don't work. Later on I overheard her on the phone in Spanish saying how difficult I was (there goes her tip) Now I'm a waitress so I understand working for tips, but i know I have to kiss a lot of a$$ for it and wouldn't do half the things she did.
She was also taking phone calls and walking away as she did my hair. And she ate before using her hands and wiped her hands and came straight to me, so I politely asked that she wash her hands first. They later caught me singing along to a song in French and tried to give me some Ma soeur (my sister) bull-ish. Too late for that 'sister'.

She also made them way smaller than I requested. And I had to tell her twice not to tie my hair with a rubber band and pull sections out of it as it is still tied. I also had to detangle my own hair because she was trying to rake a small tooth comb through it (I'm nearly 8 months post). When I got up, I realised how many broken hairs I had on my sweater from her rough handling. And to top it all off, I warned her not to cut or burn the flyaways (aka my real hair) to make it look neater and she still took a swipe with the scissors:nono:!

Then she had the nerve to tell me, ok that's $180 take some flyers, tell your friends, I was like no, we agreed on $150 in the beginning. So she says fine but next time $180, and I told her there won't be a next time, I will never set foot in this place again.

All this to say, I absolutely hated everything about it and hate the way they look. At least I've learned this is something I NEVER EVER want done to my hair again. It also reminded me why I hate salons and haven't been in one in over 3 years.

Eta, pic
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P.s in better news, I met one of Niko's second cousins twice removed :lachen:
This lady who was waiting with me had MBLish locs and she was telling me her secret is she only washes with this and always deep conditions with this. And took out a bottle of Dr Bronner's castille in peppermint and Lutrasilk shea butter. I was like OMG so do I but I use sweet almond.
Anywho, she told me her sister sent her to a website called natural or naptural (I'm guessing it was napturality) and they made her feel like a stepchild for having dreads with a permed bang. And how they all got on her case about it, so she was like uh uh child that is not for me, lol. She was cracking me up the whole time she was there. She also suggested I dye with henna, I said I already do and told her about indigo and we exchanged hair tips as we waited. :grin: The only good part about my day
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I seriously need to start doing other people's hair to make some extra money. I just did that style on my mom for free.
I haven't tried this style, but I think I could do it.

OP I think the style looks nice on you. Don't let that chick get you turned off from all braiders. See if you can get a good referral next time. It's a good protective style and will last a while.

You could also search for some videos on you-tube, buy you a hair mannequin and some hair and try it yourself.

I am very tempted to try it on myself or one of my kids. :grin:
there is a real benefit to speaking various languages, I would've called her out on it like I know what your saying hffr!

I think they look nice too, but yeah I would never go back to that place either, once I heard her talking about me in different languages I would've gotten up and walked out.
I'm sorry your experience wasn't enjoyable, but that's why I stay away from braiders. You're right it doesn't look like the pic, they actually look like kinky twists but they DO look nice on you.
I am so sorry you went through that. They think they can do what ever they want to your hair and its ok for the sake of the braids looking pretty but most people get their hair braided to grow it. I don't want to sacrifice my growth for any braids. I have gotten that I have to charge you more crap but believe you and me I am checking a **** when she gets out of line with my hair. They can say what ever they want to about me in what ever language but I know you aren't going to do what ever you like to my head. But good thing you did speak French you can catch then im the act.
Thanks for the kind words ladies, I really appreciate it. :yep: I think I might try to do it myself next time and hopefully I won't look a ham.
My cousin told me to sleep on it and look at it again in the morning without thinking about the whole getting it done episode and yep, still hate them. They just look like box braids but twisted to me. Oh well, lesson learned. I'll keep them on for 2 months and at least I won't have to worry about washing and styling my hair after my daily workout for a while.
I think they look nice too, but yeah I would never go back to that place either, once I heard her talking about me in different languages I would've gotten up and walked out.

They're the only African braiders around here, if I walked out, I would've been vindicated but walking around with a half done head looking crazy :lachen: