Help with signature please


New Member
How do i changE my fotki link in my signature to say 'My Fotki' rather than it showing the whole address of the link.

This has been bugging me forever, i just can't work it out, i feel so dumb :perplexed

Please help me lol.

Don't feel dumb, I have been trying to figure this out as well. I want to do a link like the others have saying "Pinkskates Challenge" instead of the link with my journal address, but I haven't figured it out yet. I can copy and paste the journal address link in my siggy, but how do you call it something else? It's driving me :nuts:
Anancy, I guess this was bugging me too much, I was determined to figure it out before I logged off! :scratchch :grin: I think I was able to link my fitness journal ok.

[Type this in your siggy: url=http://www.type in your link to your fotki here]My Fotki[/url]

(Remove the "Type this in your siggy" keeping the brackets and put in the link to your fotki.) Hope this helps!

Maybe someone may have a different (easier) way, but that was the way I figured it out...
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