Help with defining curls....


Well-Known Member
OK ladies I'm begginging to think my hair's playing tricks on me, when I wet it it curls up, comb through w condish, rinse curls right back up. I've been trying to get the wash&go thing down but I must be doing something wrong. I get part curls part pouffy frizz ball. I don't get it, I think I'm messing up applying product. I've also had my hair in a braided weave for a year back to back braidings, my hair's still kind of wild and I'm conditioning every chance I get.
Here's my steps:
1. CW, comb w. condish and rinse
2. put on leave in
3. work in qurter sized gel or pudding product through hair each half section, (hair parted down the middle.
I keep working it though until it's half dry then I difussed.
Am I combing too much? Any tips would really help.
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I think you might be. My understanding is that for the style you want to achieve, products should be applied to soaking wet hair... and once its in... and your hair is still quite wet, you should stop manipulating your hair. Further manipulation, until the hair is dry only causes frizz and loss of definition.

This seems to be true of my own hair as well.
ThursdayGirl said:
I think you might be. My understanding is that for the style you want to achieve, products should be applied to soaking wet hair... and once its in... and your hair is still quite wet, you should stop manipulating your hair. Further manipulation, until the hair is dry only causes frizz and loss of definition.

This seems to be true of my own hair as well.
Thanks, I feel so silly,:p not only was my hair not soaking wet when I put on the products but I squeezed out the extra water w/ a towel. I'm going to re-trace all my steps and try again tommorrow.
The same thing happens to me. When I go to work, my hair is cute, but after about 5 hours I have nothing but a bushy frizzy fro. I think I manipulate my hair too much also. I am always fingerstyling it until it is completely dry.

yep. whatever your hair looks like wet is what it will look like dry. (if your products moisturize it enough)

If you frizz it up while wet, it will be frizzed up when it dries.
Yeah, it seems to me that you are touching and combing too much. If you feel that you must remove the excess water, I recommend squeezing with your hands instead of using a towel.
ThursdayGirl said:
I think you might be. My understanding is that for the style you want to achieve, products should be applied to soaking wet hair... and once its in... and your hair is still quite wet, you should stop manipulating your hair. Further manipulation, until the hair is dry only causes frizz and loss of definition.

This seems to be true of my own hair as well.

ITA. I keep mine totally wet and it dries so much better.
Anything else will be a hot frizzy mess! I will walk around looking like a Chia Pet.

*Yes, keeping your hands out out if is key.**
Let us know how it goes today.
Lucia, what I do to define my curls is after co-washing and rinsing, I put on IC Fantasia gel (w/ Sparklites) in the shower. I rub it evenly thru my hair and then squeeze the excess water out (still in the shower). Then when I get out and have put on my clothes, I rub a little Kemi oyl in. Then i put on a headband or clips or whatever. A little trick for extra shine is to also rub a little Elasta QP glaze in after the Kemi oyl.

If you don't squeeze it well, you might get a few drips, but this works well in keeping the curls defined and shiny, even after it dries out during the day.
That was my mistake when I was using the pudding and the Fantasia Gel. NO combing. I poo and condition, add some leave in and then I apply the pudding/gel in sections and FINGER COMB through my hair. No comb. COmbing causes the hair to frizz up.

What else?! I know some ladies have experienced success with the diffuser - when I diffuse, my hair shrinks up again - it doesn't necessarily get frizzy but it shrinks up MAJORLY. My head's got a damn mind of its own haha.

Good luck!
Letitia said:
ITA. I keep mine totally wet and it dries so much better.
Anything else will be a hot frizzy mess! I will walk around looking like a Chia Pet.

*Yes, keeping your hands out out if is key.**
Let us know how it goes today.

I love the "hot frizzy mess" that has been me several days at the office. So is everyone here natural? I am relaxed and wondering if I'm manipulating my hair too much when I do my wash and go.
I am having the same problem. I start the day loving my hair, but by the time it dries I look like Angela Davis (showing my age). This is great information. I will try this technique tommorow morning. Thanks
Thanks ladies, I'm going to remember these
Now next question how do you wear your hair to sleep? wrapping it up in a sleeping cap-high ponytail, or 2-4 braids under? or satin pillow case and loose hair?
do you re-do the soaking wet thing daily or mist, or just fluff and go the next day?
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Now that I look again, are you using a quarter sized amount on each section or on your whole head??

You're gonna need a lot more curly pudding/gel than that. When I go curly, I usually use about a lid full (if the jar is 16 oz, I use about 3 ounces each time). I use less gel (if the jar is 20 ounces, I probably use an ounce, to two ounces at a time).
HAHA...I'm a lazy MF so I tie my hair up at night (sometimes) and sometimes the hair will still be tied up when I wake up, and sometimes it won't (I sleep like an animal HAHA).

Me? Simple scarf around the head. In the morning, I usually take the scarf off and do some head shakes (to lose the tied-back shape). Then I'll take some keracare LITE oil moisturizer (not the Jojoba stuff...the LITE) and apply it to my ends. Usually (I've done this four times), at this point my hair is good to go. if its not, I'll a tad more gel.

I have used a spray bottle of water and curly pudding/gel to recreate the effect - but here's the thing, your hair will shrink more. You want to minimize using water as much as possible because water is what causes the shrinkage - unless you are able to FULLY apply the curly pudding/gel to all the areas you wet.

I don't know how the Buttercreme works because I'm also a cheap MF. Ask so1913 about the buttercreme.
Thanks for the tips Ms Nadi. I def. have to work this plan out 1st before I try again-back to the drawing board. All these longtime naturals getting texturized lately sounds pretty tempting about now but I don't think I could go back to touch-ups and stylists-too much trauma, Id have flashbacks sitting in the chair
Lucia said:
Thanks ladies, I'm going to remember these
Now next question how do you wear your hair to sleep? wrapping it up in a sleeping cap-high ponytail, or 2-4 braids under? or satin pillow case and loose hair?
do you re-do the soaking wet thing daily or mist, or just fluff and go the next day?

I normally just throw on a satin cap and also sleep on a satin pillow case. I CW my hair every morning if I wear a wash n go, if I wear a puff then I just fluff throw on a scarf and go.
I used to have the same problem until I figured out I was trying to finger style before my hair completely dried. Now I wait until is dry, blast a little warm air on the roots with a blow dryer to stretch it a bit, finger style and TRY to leave it alone. If I want a "bigger" hair look, I'll work with a little longer. Applying products while the hair is wet and less manipulation is the key.
To define my curls I:
1. Conditoner wash in the shower with pantene hydrating curls conditioner.
2. I squeeze my hair with my hands for excess water.
3. On soaking wet hair I apply NTM leave in condtioner, then S-Curl No Drip Spray.
4. Fianlly, I scoop out Fantasio IC Gel and distribute it evenly through my hair.
I don't comb my hair at all nor do I manipulate it. I just let it air dry.

*** Discalimer, I am not natural. I am currently transitioning (if I don't get the texturizer itch again). I am about 70% natural, 30% texturized. So, natural ladies may do it differently.****