Help with damaged hair


New Member
Hi my name is Joi (joy)

I am new to the forum and I have damaged broke off hair. I tried a new perm and my hair broke off and I have a couple bald spots due to braiding my hair for 7yrs on and off while perming and yea yea not taking care of my hair. Well I just recently cut out my perm, my hair is now about 4-5 inches long in its longest areas and I was wondering ways to revitalize it. I just purchased Mega Tek Rebuilder and I was wondering what would be a good regiment for me? I'm 22 and I guess have neglected my hair and now I need it! lol I live in Florida and most salons suck in my area, every time I try someone new my hair goes bad. Any ideas let me know. In the mean time I just wear a wig to work and put a scarf on when I get home.
I'm pretty new to the forum try massaging your scalp with coconut oil and coat your hair. Co-wash or dilute your shampoo, deep condition, and use the coconut oil on your hair and scalp. If anyone else nows a better way let's hear it.:grin:
Welcome to LHCF! Can you give us more details about your hair? How often do you shampoo and deep condition?Are you using any moisturizers? Are you dealing with breakage now? Is your hair totally natural?

You may want to try Creme of Nature Ultra Moisturizing shampoo (Green and white bottle). If you want to try co-washing (washing your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo, you may want to try inexpensive conditioners like Suave or V05 Moisture Milks.

Hopefully some of the hair experts can chime in to help.
Hi my name is Joi (joy)

I am new to the forum and I have damaged broke off hair. I tried a new perm and my hair broke off and I have a couple bald spots due to braiding my hair for 7yrs on and off while perming and yea yea not taking care of my hair. Well I just recently cut out my perm, my hair is now about 4-5 inches long in its longest areas and I was wondering ways to revitalize it. I just purchased Mega Tek Rebuilder and I was wondering what would be a good regiment for me? I'm 22 and I guess have neglected my hair and now I need it! lol I live in Florida and most salons suck in my area, every time I try someone new my hair goes bad. Any ideas let me know. In the mean time I just wear a wig to work and put a scarf on when I get home.

I think wearing a wig in the meantime is a good idea, just make sure to keep your hair moisturized and protected under the wig. Welcome to LHCF!!! Stick around, read the stickies, keep asking questions, and don't give up. PM ladies you admire around here and ask for guidance. Do as much research as you can and study fotki albums for inspiration and ideas. Oh and be sure to document your progress with pictures. Even if you don't start an album, they will help you. The other ladies gave you some great advice already.
Welcome, and I wish you all the best!! personally my hair journey started with co-washing and protective styling... I would co-wash (conditioner wash) my hair, rinse, put on a moisturizing leave-in and seal the leave-in by applying a oil, and then put my hair up in a octopus clip. My personal favs are jamaican black castor oil, and coconut oil. The next big part of my regimine was PATIENCE... I found that once I stopped fretting so much on my hair, that it began to grow... Stress was major hair breaker for me, so I had to relax..There is sooo much help on this board, I know your hair will begin to thrive soon...
Welcome to the board!

I'm dealing with damaged hair too so you're not alone.

First make sure you are eating correctly, gettign enough water intake and sleep. All of these affect hair growth and your hair will come in much healthier.

If you can try to leave heat alone.

Moisture is important. Use a water based moisturizer and use an oil to seal. Dc weekly. alternating protein and moisture.

Click on this link.

Read all of her articles. This will help you know how to start building a regimen.

Good luck and hang in there. Im going through it too so I know it's hard.
Hey and welcome. Trust me I am going through it too. I just got a bad relaxer a few weeks ago and I been shedding worst than a cat. I have been using no heat, DC with moisture and protein (alternating between the two), and trying to do low manipulation or roller sets.

Definitly follow what one of the other posters said and follow sista slicks articles. They are very good. Check out peoples fokti and learn from their trial and error. You will develop a regimen for yourself in no time, but you got to have patience. That is the hard part.
I want to thank everyone for their replies. More info on my hair.. I use to wash and cond. once every 2weeks with Mizani and grease my scalp "when I though it felt dry" Yesterday I decided to use Mega Tek in the a.m. and caster oil on my scalp at night and every other day do Mega Tek and the other days do my scalp with caster oil first then use a mix of EVOO, Jojoba oil, Mega Tek and some other oils and co-wash once a week doing a deep condtion by letting it sit on my hair over night or for a few hrs. and forget about shampoo for a while? That was my thought. Let me know what you think lol.
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Welcome... :look:I am also new to this forum and trust I know what you mean by saying that salons in Florida suck.:nono: I live in Florida and it hard to find a salon that will satisfy my hunger to beautiful, long, healthy and gorgeous hair. I recently started using Megatek as well. I just bought the aphogee leave-in and the aphogee pro-vitamin to use with it. Hopefully I will experience a significant amount of growth. Good luck with whatever regimen you decide to follow.:drunk: