Help With Cassia, QUICK, PLEASE?!?


Active Member
Hey everyone!

I have two questions about cassia(kinda) and I need help. I'm pretty sure these haven't been asked/answered (plus I've searched).
Would it work if I were to:

1. Pre-poo with garlic oil? Then...
2. Apply cassia over the pre-poo (without rinsing) then leave it on overnight (6-8 hours)?

I kinda need a reply soon because I'm planning on doing it tonight. TIA!!
Sorry hon, that's a new one to me. If its like henna, I would think doing it on clean hair would yield the best results. However, I add oils (Vatika lately) to my henna so maybe it wouldn't make a difference?
I agree above. I do my Henna on clean hair, though some might suggest using oil first to cut down on dryness. I've never used Cassia though.

Have you ever kept garlic oil on the hair overnight? I thought it was best to use on the scalp, but once again...I don't know. Hopefully someone else will chime in.
Yea that's what I was thinking because ppl add oils to their mix so I thought a pre-poo with an oil would be okay. But thanks!
I agree above. I do my Henna on clean hair, though some might suggest using oil first to cut down on dryness. I've never used Cassia though.

Have you ever kept garlic oil on the hair overnight? I thought it was best to use on the scalp, but once again...I don't know. Hopefully someone else will chime in.

Nope:nono:, I haven't but I'm willing to try.
I don't know if the prepoo on the hair would block the henna coating your hair or not, but when I used cassia I just mixed it with olive oil and put it on clean hair ( left it on for an hour ) then deep conditioned afterwards.
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