Help with Braids


New Member
Hi everyone!I'm a new user and I have a question.I've had my hair in croshe' braids for a while now and I was wondering what kind of braids should I have to make sure my hairgrows and keeps growing and dosen't break off at the crown?and also how to take care of those braids....

P.S. Are croshe' braids bad for your hair?
Welcome Appleblack,

Are those the ones where they chrochet the weaving hair into your braided track with a knot? If it is I'd say get out of them fast, once your hair starts growing it will get tangled.
I would say small-large cornrows with or without weaved hair is good, but make sure it is not tight, just close to the scalp but not pulling on it (that goes for tracks too). Or tracks and weave sown onto the track that covers your braided hair and nobody knows that your hairs underneath growing.
You must oil, moisterize, and when you take them down condition x4 under warm towel or heat cap, hot oil, and trimm the ends. People forget to take care of their hair when it's braided and it can and will dry out.
hey candy, i havent heard of the corche braids but if they are the kind that lucia is descibin then they sound as if they have potential of breakin the hair and since u didnt specify whether or not u have rlaxed or natural hair, i'd say from experience that i've found that this is even more damaging to natural hair whicg inmy case gets tanglted easily and causes me to lose a lot of length which would defeat the whole purpose of gettin them done.

i am usin the cown and glory technique to grow my hair, it involves the use of normal box-braids to grow the hair until u reach yo hair goals

here's a link to the website
I think you should stick with the box braids for growing out your hair. For almost two years I had been growing my hair natural. I chose to do it with sewn in weave. I wasn't treating my hair properly partly because I assumed that because it was in its natural state and resting it wouldn't require anything else. I was so wrong. My hair became stagnant, dry, tangled, and did I say DRY?? It was a bad decision on my part to grow my hair that way and I think you'd be doing yourself a favor if you avoid that same route. I suggest doing box braids, perferably with human hair b/c it doesn't dry out as fast. Keep you hair conditioned and focus more on keeping YOUR hair healthy more than keeping the braids looking cute. Somepeople hesistate to wash braids b/c of fear of them looking frizzy but remember, your goal is to make your hair beautiful, not the braids. Contrary to popular belief, braids can still look good after washing; it just requires some "touching-up" (if u have human braids).