HELP! Why does my hair dry SO fast?


Well-Known Member
My hair dries super fast...TOO fast!

I shampooed last night, but got caught up doing other things before conditioning (about 20 minutes). Well before I knew it, my hair had almost completely airdried :blush:! This can't be normal.

Help me out Ladies! Does it sound like my hair is damaged? Porous? Why isn't it retaining moisture?

ETA: Otherwise, my hair seems pretty major issues to speak of.
if i were to wash my hair with no condish it would dry out fast too. shampoo is drying! you should have re-wet it then went on with your conditioning. what did you do? does it dry too fast when you do what you usually do?
if i were to wash my hair with no condish it would dry out fast too. shampoo is drying! you should have re-wet it then went on with your conditioning. what did you do? does it dry too fast when you do what you usually do?

Interesting analysis, Jynkx! I did rewet it, and massaged tons of Aveda DR con in it (sat for about 15 min), and rinsed. My hair was super soft, and very manageable...yet it still airdried FAST :perplexed.
I am having a very similar problem, Last night I cowashed with ORS Replenishing. My hair dried very quickly. I've been baggying the past week to try to improve the moisture but it doesn't seem to be working.

I've been reading through threads about
Roux Porosity Control
French Stabilizer Plus
& Clarifying.

I don't know what move to make...I just know something's not quite right.
I've used roux Porosity Control for about 8 years and would definitely recommend it.
Do your hair wet easily? I know that sounds like a dumb question, but my cousin who is natural hair does not get wet, its like the water sits on top of his hair :lachen:. AND it dries FAST!
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this is interesting. i try to not let my hair dry without anything in it. on the odd chance that i do it dries fast and feels really dryer. but how fast is drying too fast?
Do your hair wet easily? I know that sounds like a dumb question, but my cousin who is natural hair does not get wet, its like the water sits on top of his hair :lachen:. AND it dries FAST!

:lachen:@ water just sitting on top! Yeah, it wets fine...but just dries really fast.
It sounds like your hair is porous. Sista slick has a great article on this same issue. She also provides solutions in part two of her article that I believe will solve your problem. I have found it (among her other articles) incredibly helpful. Good luck!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks Nixx!! <printing these off>