HELP!!! Why are my kinky twists coming out all WONKY!!!


Active Member
Arrggghhh!!! I have the Braids By Breslin DVD set that shows how to do kinky twist. I understand the process and know how to start the twist but when the twist is completed, it comes out very raggedy. It's not a uniform neat twist. It's kinda lumpy. I understand that your supposed to "roll" the hair in your fingers before you actually make the twist and I am thinking this may be the problem.

Does ANYBODY have any suggestions!!! I am tired of dropping $100.00 to get my DD's hair done when I really feel I can do it myself. There is just something I am missing that I can't get!!!


How do I get them like this pic?!?!?!?!?

I don't know... but a friend of mine ordered her videos too and used her steps but the twists never came out looking good... Sorry can't help... Your DD is a cutie!
I used to braid for a living, and I did kinky twists a lot. My advice stretch the loose hair before you start each braid, ie hold the loose hair by both tips and both hand, then pull it apart a bit, that makes the ends thinner and the middle thicker, i hope you understand what I am saying, lol which will make the hair taper into a smooth finish. Also when you roll hair, if you are using both hands, you must roll in opposite directions so that you dont undo the roll after each twist when you exchange each piece from one hand to another, also try to roll further before twisting, if this doesnt work for you, use only one hand for rolling, that way you are alternating between rolling one piece vs the other piece with each twist. My best advice is to just roll with one hand, its pretty difficult to roll with both hands in opposite directions, when I started doing twists it took me a while to get the hang of it. Well i know that is pretty hard to understand, lol, its really difficult to explain braiding techniques, good luck