Help! What is going on?


New Member
I am taking powdered spirulina, chlorella, msm and also taking liquid chloropyll. I am sitting at work and all the veins in my arm and hands are showing. I am diabetic and I tell you it is hard to find a vein on me and they are thin to boot. I have lifted weights trying to make them bigger, but no luck. But now I tell I have veins visible all over the place. Is it the spirulina, chorella, and chlorophyll that I am taking or am about to kick the bucket or something?
i dont know anything about that stuff, but i know its all natural stuff we have in our bodies/diet anyway (i think) do you feel? i would say stop taking it and talk to a doctor first before you continue
I'm not sure what could be causing that, but if it concerns you, I would discontinue taking them and talk to your doctor.

Did you start taking them all at the same time? I find it helpful to introduce new things one at a time so I can see their effects fully, and to know what causes problems for me.

Oh Boy....I have never heard of this...
maybe you should talk to a medical doctor or a naturopath physician......
Edie said:
I am taking powdered spirulina, chlorella, msm and also taking liquid chloropyll. I am sitting at work and all the veins in my arm and hands are showing. I am diabetic and I tell you it is hard to find a vein on me and they are thin to boot. I have lifted weights trying to make them bigger, but no luck. But now I tell I have veins visible all over the place. Is it the spirulina, chorella, and chlorophyll that I am taking or am about to kick the bucket or something?

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....Sorry! This is not funny, but the "AM I ABOUT TO KICK THE BUCKET?" is mad funny! I agree w/ Irrestible. You should probably discontinue use until you call your doctor
and find out what's going on. There's no need to KICK THE BUCKET
in an effort to grow some hair!!!
It could be a harmless side-effect. But you should really check with a doctor before taking in new things. Some supplements can do more harm than good. Have you did a search on chlorophyll on the net. Maybe its that?

::Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other element.::

Your veins may be more visible because of that.
WesternEyes said:

::Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other element.::

[/ QUOTE ]

No offense, but this doesn't make sense to me from a physical or biological persepective.
This has happened to me a lot for years, in fact I was getting worried about it this week. I'm going to mention it to my doctor and advise you to do the same. Do you exercise a lot? I've been exercising more for the past few weeks than ever and don't know if it has anything to do with the more noticeable veins. It's probably nothing serious, but it pays to run it by the doc just to make sure nothing's wrong.