HELP! Weave and Regimen Experts!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I posted this in another thread but didnt get a response so i'm making my own thread.

I know i can turn to you all for help...I'm 13 weeks post and I'm dying!!!! My hair is so thick due to 3 under processed relaxers (dec 08, march 09 and june 09). I almost broke my comb!!!! Anyways, I've kept my hair in sew-ins but since i do them myself i get bored with them and take them out after 2 weeks. When i did my last sew-in last Monday it seemed like my hair hasn't grown at all:wallbash::wallbash:!!!! I'm dying here :pullhair:.
I know it's growing but why am i not retaining when all i do is weave my hair. While i have my installment in i alternate with MN (mixed with Castor oil and Peppermint Oil) and MT/OCT mixed with Castor Oil. I also spray my hair with Pure Aloe Juice, Coconut Oil and Glycerin. I co-wash bi weekly, DC twice on wash day and clarify shampoo once a month. When i braid my hair for my installs i oil my hair not scalp with coconut oil.

Here's my full regi:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Apply MT/OCT/Castor and Coconut Oil Mix to scalp
Tuesday’s and Thursday’s: Apply MN/Castor Oil/Peppermint oil Mix or apply Aloe Gel to scalp (depending on mood) then spray Glycerin/Rosewater/Vitka Oil/Pure Aloe Juice Mix as a moisturizer (if needed)
Saturdays (wash day):
1. Pre-poo on dry hair with:
•Shakti Oil (massage scalp for 5 mins)
•Apply Alma oil and pure coconut oil to hair and scalp
•Place a plastic bag on my head along with a wool winter hat (black) and leave oils in my hair for 1 hour
2. Rinse then DC with (Emergencia, EVOO and honey):
•I warm this up in the microwave for 30 secs
•Apply to hair (I make sure my hair is saturated with my DC mix
•Place my “Thermal Spa Heat Conditioning Cap” over a plastic bag
•Leave in for 30-45 mins
3. Rinse with cold water then run hair under iced cold water for 20 seconds
4. Co wash with V05 Moisture Milks (once a month i clarify with Suave Clarifying POO)
5. Apply Mane n Tail Leave in conditioner and air dry
6. Apply Lacio Lacio, spray moisturizer mix and braid hair for weave installation.

Daily Vitamins:
GNC Ultra Hair
Women's One A Day
Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

Am i doing something wrong???:cry2:
Okay, now I'm gonna be honest. You're regimen seems very...involved. Sometimes I think less is more. Try just doing one or two the things you currently, MN or MT. I think sometimes when you have so much going on in your regimen it's hard to see what your hair doesn't like. For example, my hair hates MTG (makes it feel really dry) and olive oil (just sits on my hair) but I didn't know because I was also doing a million and one other things. Try just doing one or two things, seeing how your hair responds and then adding or taking something away.

Other than that it seems like you should be getting really good growth under the weaves as long as the installs aren't being put in too tight.
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Okay first off - you're doing too much.

Secondly, how can you possibly tell if your hair is growing if you haven't had a real relaxer since Dec 2008? Your new growth probably has a ridiculous amount of shrinkage. Your hair should be growing but as you know a watched pot never boils.

Also, if the weave is supposed to be a protective style how is taking it down and reinstalling every 2 weeks helping you? That's too much manipulation. How are you handling your hair as you install and take down? You could be causing damage to your hair in the process.

I would simplify your regimen - wash, dc and moisturize once a week and leave it at that. Try that for about 6 weeks or so and see how it goes.
Can you give me suggestions on how i can cut my regi down?
Also after i relax it on Oct 9th, i will be bunning till Thanksgiving. It's hard to keep my installs in for longer than 2 wks because 1. i need some good hair and 2. i always hate it after a week. I don't install it tight at braids are tight enough to stay without unraveling but loose enough not to give me bumps.
My sister (luvovcandy) even suggested that my hand is in my hair too much and now that you two are saying the same thing i'm believing it more:violin:.

I'm going to need another protective style:ohwell:. I don't plan on showing my real hair until i'm full APL.
more suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated! I know you ladies are out there!!!:drowning:
I'm pretty sure it's growing. Your sew-in regimen is pretty close to mine. If your problem is retaining, it may be the way your taking down the hair and the braids. It think that's the most crucial part in wearing weaves. It all boils down to how you take it out. Are you noticing any breakage when you remove the install?
I'm pretty sure it's growing. Your sew-in regimen is pretty close to mine. If your problem is retaining, it may be the way your taking down the hair and the braids. It think that's the most crucial part in wearing weaves. It all boils down to how you take it out. Are you noticing any breakage when you remove the install? :yep:
that's why i'm wondering why my hair doesnt "look" like it's growing. If you look at my hair in my sig and compare it to my hair in the second post it's almost 4 months and my hair seems to be the same length:ohwell:.