Help: This was supposed to have hair porn!!


Well-Known Member
I've been stalking Ediese's fotki and threads about growing your hair with weaves so I ordered one pack of Halley's Curls in Natural and it is a perfect match for my 4 a/b hair. I found a girl on Craigslist to install the hair but it turned into a disaster:sad:. I kept telling her that I was tenderheaded and I asked several times for her to make the braids less tight but she didn't. By the time she was done installing the weave my head was pounding and my scalp felt like it was on:mwahahafire:

Despite getting tons of compliments about my hair, I took out the weave yesterday and the braids this morning. My scalp still feels, however, like it is on fire:mwahahafire:There are little bumps where the braids were the tightest and now I am terrified that even though the hair was in for several hours that I am going to have traction alopecia. I am tearing up as I write this long post because the whole point of the weave was to grow my hair not destroy it. What can I put on my scalp to prevent scarring? What can I use to soothe a tender, swollen scalp?
I won't even start on Craig's list, sorry this happened to yo, people braid way too tight they just want the braid to last a long time, they could care less about your hair.

Keep your styles loose, no stress on the scalp and rinse with warm-cool water, when the burning stops, massage your scalp gently w/ brahmi or bringaraj oils this will help counter act any possible hair loss or alopecia. Hopefully you'll have no damage since you took them out ASAP. hth
Ouch!!! I had a chic do the same I found off craigslist but it was cornrows when she got to the back and It felt like my scalp was bleeding I left when she went to the bathroom!! Hard headed *****!! I used water, oils but mostly hawaian silky 14-1 spray!!
I can get these tomorrow from the Indian store but right now all I have is homemade alma oil, is this okay to use?

Keep your styles loose, no stress on the scalp and rinse with warm-cool water, when the burning stops, massage your scalp gently w/ brahmi or bringaraj oils this will help counter act an possible hair loss or alopecia.
Oh, I teared up just reading about your experience.....I'm tenderheaded, too. But I think these braiders are sadist who want to put you through the tortures of the damned!

If you have some shavegrass/horsetail herbs, brew some and pour it over your scalp. I found this remedy when I burned my forearm on my iron last week. I have the tea, steeped it and soaked my arm in it while it was lukewarm. It took the swelling and stinging away.

Shavegrass, also known as Horsetail, can be used externally to stop bleeding, heal wounds and burns and to promote healthy skin.

Also, like Shoediva said, try tea tree oil....You may want to dilute it since your scalp is still tender and swollen.

When my mom braided my daughters hair years ago they were too tight in the back and she got alot of bumps because of it at the nape of her neck. Something told me not to manipulate her hair AT ALL until the bumps went down. Well it worked. She did not lose any hair. MY mom is now banned from doing my daughters hair. :lachen:

The bumps are because of damaged follicles. Rub very lightly some Aloe vera gel and EVOO on them until they are completly gone . DO NOT comb your hair during this time AT ALL. NO washing, No combing, NO massaging NOTHING that could make the hair in the follicle come out, try to only use your hands to smooth, or a light brusing it down if you can wear a wig until they are GONE COMPLETLY.

If you do these things you will not have hair loss.

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Of course! Aloe soothes burns or sunburned skin so it should work. I have so aloe so I will put it on now. Thanks. I've already washed and gently detangled my hair because I took the braids out. I hope that doesn't mean that I've lost the hair in that area.:nono:

When my mom braided my daughters hair years ago they were too tight in the back and she got alot of bumps because of it at the nape of her neck. Something told me not to manipulate her hair AT ALL until the bumps went down. Well it worked. She did not lose any hair. MY mom is now banned from doing my daughters hair. :lachen:

The bumps are because of damaged follicles. Rub very lightly some Aloe vera gel and EVOO on them until they are completly gone . DO NOT comb your hair during this time AT ALL. NO washing, No combing, NO massaging NOTHING that could make the hair in the follicle come out, try to only use your hands to smooth, or a light brusing it down if you can wear a wig until they are GONE COMPLETLY.

If you do these things you will not have hair loss.

Of course! Aloe soothes burns or sunburned skin so it should work. I have so aloe so I will put it on now. Thanks. I've already washed and gently detangled my hair because I took the braids out. I hope that doesn't mean that I've lost the hair in that area.:nono:

Lets see, from here on out dont use a comb until the bumps are gone. Since you were gentle this may not cause a problem. Do you see any hair loss in that section?

Be even more gentle especially in that area, you want the inflammed follicles to heal. Apply that aloe and EVOO gently like you are dealing with a new born babies head.

I am so sorry this happened to you. Some people are just so thoughtless.
I can get these tomorrow from the Indian store but right now all I have is homemade alma oil, is this okay to use?

Like I posted before don't start the massaging until the burning and tenderness has stopped.
yes use whatever you have, but don't use alot of oil just a little bit, I suggested those oils cause their good for soothing relaxing the mind, strengthening the hair and follicles and rapid growth and thickness. Their great oils, look them up, they come in powders too-very messy, I'm going to do my scalp massage once I get off here with brhami and bringaraj oils mixed 50/50.

WARNING: Use them right before bed cause you'll be so relaxed you'll just go to sleep.
When my mom braided my daughters hair years ago they were too tight in the back and she got alot of bumps because of it at the nape of her neck. Something told me not to manipulate her hair AT ALL until the bumps went down. Well it worked. She did not lose any hair. MY mom is now banned from doing my daughters hair. :lachen:

The bumps are because of damaged follicles. Rub very lightly some Aloe vera gel and EVOO on them until they are completly gone . DO NOT comb your hair during this time AT ALL. NO washing, No combing, NO massaging NOTHING that could make the hair in the follicle come out, try to only use your hands to smooth, or a light brusing it down if you can wear a wig until they are GONE COMPLETLY.

If you do these things you will not have hair loss.


Thanks for the info!!!!