Help!!!The desert is going to kill my hair!!(long)


New Member
Hi Everyone,

This is my very first post. I have been a member for a few months and a lurker for about a year, but I haven't gotten up the nerve to post- until now. I am desparate. My hair has always been between SL and APL, but now I have really gotten serious about growing it out. It is currently back to just below SL in the back and chin-length in the front (had to cut those bleached/colored ends off- no more of that:nono:)

My problem is this- I grew up in DC, and for all my east coast sistas, you know the humidity is nothing to play with. least for me, humidity=moisture=growth. Well...I had the ingenious idea of coming to Utah to stay with my uncle for a couple of months. I flew in last night and it is SOOOO DRYYYY out here. My skin is parched, my mouth is dry, and I just know my hair is going to suffer. Right now I have it slathered in Vatika oil (y'all know I packed a suitcase full of hair stuff, right?:look:) and tied in a satin scarf. This afternoon I'm going to get some baggies from target and baggy my ends to see if that will help. Ladies, ANY additional suggestions you can offer would be much appreciated. I REALLY don't wanna have a setback this year:perplexed.

In a word: HELP!

Thanks again,

BTW: I'm 3c/4a relaxed
Girl, just make sure you keep it moisturized daily and protected and I promise you'll be just fine. I know cuz I live in the desert, too.:look: Plenty of water, too, and you'll be ok. I also take flaxseed oil so my skin and hair stay moist and supple. HTH!:grin:
Girl, just make sure you keep it moisturized daily and protected and I promise you'll be just fine. I know cuz I live in the desert, too.:look: Plenty of water, too, and you'll be ok. I also take flaxseed oil so my skin and hair stay moist and supple. HTH!:grin:

I agree with the above. Also, what about a full head baggy at night?
Shunta- Thanks!! How could I forget about flaxseed oil?? I have also been downing water like crazy- I almost can't help it.

Sikora and Jade Feria- I was thinking that as well. thanks for confirming. I just went to target and got the sandwich bags for daytime, and I think I will try a full head baggie tonight. I just don't want my hair to get mushy, though:ohwell:.

Thanks Scorpian:grin::grin:
Shunta- Thanks!! How could I forget about flaxseed oil?? I have also been downing water like crazy- I almost can't help it.

Sikora and Jade Feria- I was thinking that as well. thanks for confirming. I just went to target and got the sandwich bags for daytime, and I think I will try a full head baggie tonight. I just don't want my hair to get mushy, though:ohwell:.

Thanks Scorpian:grin::grin:

To avoid the mushy feeling with the whole head baggy, I would advise that you do not oversaturate your hair with the moisturizer. The directions would usually advise a dime to quarter sized amount of product. You also don't need a ridiculous amount of oil to seal. This should prevent your hair feeling soaking wet when you remove the baggy in the morning.