Help!!! Tangles At The Ends Of My Cornrows


Well-Known Member
I am following the LadyPaniola's method so I've been keeping my hair cornrowed under wigs. My problem is that the ends of my cornrows get knotted and tangled despite me untangling it at least once per week.

I co-wash a few times per week, use either Kimmytube's leav-in or the Jane Carter Solution leave-in, I use a wig cap, I sleep in a silk scarf, and even wear a silk scarf around the house. Does anyone else have this problem? Or can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
my ends does the same thing. i guess the best answer is to heavily coat the ends with a moisturizer and seal with a thick oil like castor.
Don't braid your hair all the way to the ends. When you get to the last inch or so, twist it.