HELP: super dry ends 2 days after wash!


New Member
Hello all,
I have read a number of posts on dry/brittle/frizzy ends and found some useful info but it only solves one part of my problem. I wash, then DC, then apply my leave-in and seal with oil and my ends feel nice and soft… for 2 days. On the third day after washing they start drying up and getting all frizzy and brittle again, while the rest of my hair stays nice. When I wear a braid out this is worse – my hair is nice and soft when I undo the braids, and starts getting dry and brittle by the end of the day. I have tried reapplying leave-ins, adding more moisturizer, even leaving regular conditioner on the ends… Nothing works.
I don’t want to have to wash my hair every 3 days to prevent dry ends! I find that washing too often = overmanipulation, which also causes more breakage. And rollersetting takes me such a loooooong time to do – I really don’t have the time/patience to do it more than weekly. I thought about spritzing the ends with water but my hair is sort of texlaxed with Dark and Lovely no lye (recently switched to lye), so my ends get very curly if wet (which would ruin the effect of the rollerset).
Would any of you have a solution that would prevent me from having nice hair for 2 days and then straggly, frizzy looking and dry-feeling ends for the rest of the week?
Whoops, I almost thought you were somebody else, but I haven't seen you before, hello and welcome! :wave:

I see you are in Australia, isn't the climate there dry?
Have you tried spritzing your ends with a liquid moisturizer then coat the ends with an oil, and if you could cover the ends with plastic that would seal in that moisture. that's what we call around here "baggying". HTH let us know.
The ends of your hair is obviously the olds part of your hair and it looks like you are relaxed.. have u thought of using a porosity conditioner to smooth down the cuticles on your ends to keep in moisture... the ph balance of your ends may be out of whack...hth
Frizzy: Thanks for the welcome  ! The climate in Australia is dry in a lot of areas but I live in Queensland, it is quite humid here, so I don’t think dry air is the problem… Although I am sure car fumes (I walk to work) and dust in the air isn’t that great for hair. I will try the baggy method (I wasn’t sure what it was). I wear my hair out on in a ponytail during the day but I will try at night. Will that be enough? For the liquid leave-in, any product recs? (although I am unlikely to find anything here)
Lusciouslady07: hm… Never really thought about porosity or PH (just did a little search on the forum). Do you reckon doing ACV rinses would help?
Just wary of having to order any more product from the US (shipping charges are a b****!).
Poca...there are so many things that could work for you, I'm talking from plain water to body lotion, you just want to add something moisturizing to your ends, seal it with oil and capture that moisture with a plastic conditioning cap. It doesn't take much, you don't even want the hair to be wet to the touch when you put the baggy on, and a few hours is enough to do the trick.

I don't want to make recommendations of products you might not be able to get, but look for things that don't have silicones, petrolatum(eum) or mineral oil.